Beautiful sunny day today with virtually no wind for a change. Did two hours' hard labour in the garden to sweeten things with Mrs Moonlite and then took off on what's popularly known as a gravel ride these days but, given how many unsurfaced roads we have hereabouts, is just a 'ride'.
Was swooped again by a series of aggressive magpies protecting their nests. Luckily the sun was behind me so I had forewarning of their approach as their shadows preceded them. Then it's just a case of ducking, accelerating, and swerving a little.
Really nice to be out. It's always a little surreal to travel along Farringdon Road here, as I used to commute along London's Farringdon Road in the 90s. The hazards there were numerous and not as easy to avoid as the Australian magpie.
It was supposed to be a short cruise around town, accidentally went over 26 km. Paved paths, perfect temps, and sunshine all the way, I love the Duck, but this saddle isn't meant for that kind of distance
Solid grey, light breeze 12-14 mph, 12-14 degrees. As mentioned by others, pitch black (BLACK!) early doors. Much less chaotic than yesterdays "storm". Whilst it got a bit bonkers, the wind was stronger last week.
My ankle is pretty much back to normal so great to put some power down without feeling any niggles. In that transitional season with mild nights, all the flies and winged creatures like to find still, warm spots, in sheltered country lanes. Let's just say I got my protein fix in advance of my eggs and tomato breakfast
Was absolutely knackered by the end as most of it was uphill tbh
Did some red paths and some single track. but then came off the single track because of the proper big rocks and gravel and it scared the shite out of me as I don’t have 57” wheels or rear suspension or massive pedals. Proper bone shaking it was.