Today's Ride

Spring took a bit of a step back today -- chilly wind out of the south. It calmed down a bit late afternoon so I headed out for a quick 30k on the road -- really just getting the miles in. And that cold did rather creep into the bones, especially when toiling into the wind. Glad to get home as darkness was falling.

Still, 14 degrees, slightly less in the valleys. Some very low cloud, mostly broken higher cloud, glimpses of blue skies and sunshine. Damp after yesterdays wet, dank write-off. Absolutely autumn, cracking morning ride to kick off Friday.

Great reflection of road - the road to … out there ….
Today's Ride ... was a bit of a psychological nightmare...

Out late last night at a fine social bash..good food, good people.
Held back on alcohol since I knew I needed to be up at six thirty to prep for ride today.
But lay in bed fretting about next morning’s ride ...

After last week's root disaster, I should probably relegate the worn HansDampf front to the rear, and give the front something with a bit more grip.
Should I go for a Maxxis Minion (at around 800g a nice lightweight) or the mega-grip of a new meaty Magic Mary Soft (1300g).
Alex's new Transition Patrol alloy needs much weight saving to offset the extra 1300g of the alloy rather than carbon frame, and the extra 250g of the Cascade link. That's 1.5kg saving I need to find. the Maxxis for that, which wins us a meaty 500g.

But do I have T I M E ?

Maybe. Unless the fitting turns into a mess.
6.30 up...need to be ready by 8.00
Have cereal. Have coffee.
Right...let's go... tick tick tick goes the second hand.
Out comes the air pfffffffff.
Off comes the HDampf. Rippety rip. Boy this is really worn.
Careful. Don't spill the Maripossa Effetto Cafe Latex...slosh slosh.
On goes the Magic Mary Soft, nice easy fit on 35mm Hope rim.
It's going well....tick tick tock goes the clock.
Out with the air-hit machine....bang bang crack goes the beads. Excellent.
10 minutes in.
Suck out the latex from the HD, using a syringe and tube - rescue nearly all of it. Excellent.
In it goes...squirty squirt.
Bang with the air hit.
All done, seals nicely and back in the frame in a jiffy.
All ready. Wash syringe. Wipe out HD...will put that on the back later, to replace the rubbish, wall-weeping Spesh Butcher.
8.00 ... all done, gear in car, bike on top.

And the forest...I have G R I P...
M U C H G R I P ...
Lovely intuitive turning, weight over the front and huge traction.
The MM carcass may be heavy but the walls offer masses of support and the big side lugs give predictable, massive grip.
I am running .... er .... 15 psi.
But I'm only 125lbs and running megawide rims. Lots of volume to play with.
And 15psi is not squirmy - those thick sidewalls doing their job - and the tread conforms nicely to every root and bump.
The 150mm Manitou Mattocs are Cadillac smooth, soaking up everything (goodness I love this mmmBop Mattoc combination).

Well everyone was right, on here...get rid of the HD on the front and put a proper tyre on; what an amazing difference.
A lovely twisty turn fast morning.
Much grinning, much enjoyment.

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