Today's Ride

I had not much 'real' rides lately, but a few short, 'just bimbling around' or 'just try off this modification on the bike' - type

The great weather streak continues, although there's still enough chill in the air most days to make it feel spring rather than summer. That said, I'm sufficiently tanned now, and when the northerly breeze switches to the east, summer arrives very quickly. Another busy week away from home meant a ride on Friday evening, and early doors Sunday. Now it's half term and almost June, I won't be travelling mid-week as much so more local riding and running 👍

Got on the boneshaker Friday evening, and she looked glorious in the sunshine. Happy-go-lucky green all the way.


Sunday morning was deceptively chilly in bright sunshine. But the trails were spot on and once again, Bee was faultless. The amount of confidence it gives you is always surprising. Modern life isn't entirely rubbish.


We're off up to Sydney on Thursday for the weekend so I couldn't be picky about which days this week to get some miles in. Today was beautifully bright and sunny with cold wind gusting up to 40kph but I ventured forth on a 38-k circuit of mixed tarmac and gravel, with 1,250 ft climbing.

I was keen to get the bike out because I'd just replaced the worn-out Mavic Cosmos wheels it came with in 2004 with some second-hand Ksyrium SLCs. Hard to tell in the wind how much of a difference they made but climbing and accelerating seemed a bit easier.

Here we've just forded the mighty Shoalhaven River via a causeway, trying unsuccessfully to keep my feet dry in about 6 ins of chilly water.

Legs are a bit knackered now. The whole experience reminded me of this:
