Today's Ride

I had a head full of cold on Saturday but it was "dry" and zero wind so no excuses, had to get out there. Once the sea mist burnt off it turned into a pretty decent day 👌


The rain finally decided to abate yesterday afternoon, so whilst it was still blowing a cheeky 20mph+, I had to get out and get in some miles.


The sunset was short but the light was ace with a orange hue mixing with the grey clouds. All in all, well worth the effort.


Woke up this morning, identical conditions, so 6/7 air temperature, 20-22 mph W wind. Soggy in spots, bone dry in others. Thank goodness for nice wide tyres that cope with wet and dry rock. I'd be sliding all over the place on 2.1s.


This is the entrance to Kenidjack "castle" which provided a handy spot to lean Bee without her or me blowing away 🤣
A rare still morning, 2-3 mph N/NE light breeze, 6 degrees but felt like 3-4, less in the sheltered spots. Glorious sun-rise with a smattering on distant high cloud. After a long run yesterday whilst the legs grumbled a bit for the first couple of miles, they were happy to be out there.


Just climbed out of Madron and took a peak back...


...before looking forward again and the rolling hills to the north coast.