Today's Ride

Yesterday evenings ride was ace, and defo needed before the rain comes. The trails were nice and grippy with next to no mud. Perfect 👌 Still nippy but once again, with layers and elevation, it's rarely cold.




Looking to get further afield with the longer days, and has anyone been to Cardinham Woods recently? Small trail centre/routes but might be handy for sessioning and I'm always up for an exploration.
We had a severe weather warning overnight for 'damaging winds' so even though it was bright and sunny, I procrastinated for most of the day while the gusts came through at up to 70km/h. Finally cracked at 7pm and did a bit of singlespeeding around the local dirt roads. Was tempted to go further afield but the best route was into the teeth of the gale and that was just unpleasant. A short and rather unsatisfactory ride.

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Autumn is definitely here -- planned to do a road/gravel loop before work this morning but the temp was unattractively low (around 7C) so waited a while before setting out, duly layered up.

There was a lot of low-lying mist still baking off which made for some picturesque vistas. 20 of the 30k were on tarmac, with a nice undulating dirt road section at about halfway. Slogged back into a chilly breeze -- a good hot shower was very welcome after that.
