Today's Ride

A lot of life activity at the moment so good to get on the saddle this morning. Foggy, fairly still, 12 degrees but once over the hills towards Penzance, it cleared, rising to 14 degrees and high cloud. A quick stop at Wherrytown to remove my jacket for the climb out to Lower Drift. Yesterday we actually hit - wait for it - 20 degrees!


I hope everyone on the north-west shore is keeping safe. Some insane temperatures over there.

The end of the working week arrives. Yesterday and the day before were taken up with tasks that negated the option of a ride. Although yesterday's was collecting a bike. Today it had to be done.

I've swapped the wheels on the 98, for a lesser pair, as I've been wasting a precious pair of Velociraptors on towpath and, mostly, tarmac. The wheels that were on the Ridgeback were shod with a pair of Panaracer Dusters. I like them less than the Velociraptors and figured to wear them out first. The WTBs are a fast tyre, and if they were still available I'd probably have them on everything. The Dusters are not. They squirm and they squilookal, and despite only being 1.8 as opposed to a 2.1, they are slow.

Lovely day. Pace unsatisfactory. C-.

14°c this morning.
22 this afternoon.

Below is the start of what was the Dearne and Dove canal that ran from Swinton to Barnsley, between 1804 and 1961. It was only about 10 miles long but completed what was known as the Yorkshire Ring. Much of it has been filled in, although there has been talk of it being reopened for several years now, and restoration is said to have begun.

Someone has finally seen sense and taken a strimmer for a walk along the Don behind Mexborough Station.

On a Saturday morning I volunteer as a lockkeeper. It's only a couple of miles there and back...but it counts ;)

I had a pair of Kingfishers for company this morning.

This doubled as a test ride too.
Don't know what's going on with the odd camera angle. I've not had anything to drink in ages. Screenshot_20210703-092308_Gallery.jpg Screenshot_20210703-092248_Gallery.jpg
The control desk is very 60's Bondesque.
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The River Don navigation up to Aldwarke was redeveloped in the 80's to move freight off the roads..then the project got cancelled. Now all we get is a 500 tonne oil tanker that travels up once a month. The gates are massive.
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