Today's Ride

Cold today, no i mean warm, wait, it was definitely cold.

Sun was out, looked and felt warm looking out of the patio window, the hidden winds however were bitterly cold.

Felt really good today, the roads were eerily quite, the trails were too, did think i had missed something, maybe everyone was taking shelter or stocking up for an imminent missile attack!? not a lot i could do, apart from enjoy my last moments blasting some fast rolling singletrack :D
It wasn't until up in the middle of Sherwood Pines that i first saw someone, a family out on bikes sneaking under the tape of a closed trail, soon after i started seeing more families out on bikes, in fact every family by the looks of it, all riding the trails, thankfully they all moved aside for the old man on the fully rigid, bless. Was going to stay up for a bit longer but thought i would carry on at full effort all the way home, usually i am slowing on the home stretch. It was great, super fast, super swoopy, super fun.

The cloud came in later in the ride, the skies turned grey and i could feel the cold even more, the roads had become really busy again but i didn't care much as i had had my fun and was heading home for some warm soup and maybe a shot or two to thaw the old bones.

Good times.

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@mk one looks like some nice trails up your way

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