Today's Ride

Cheers :) I'm not a fan of Schwalbe tyres; heavy and they wear out quickly but these boys are the exception. There're very capable off-road until it's wet then it's skid-pan time :LOL:

Went exploring the other side of the Cray valley - forbidden territory! Well that's what it felt like at times; super-quiet with no-one about, sort of no-mans land. Exploring can result in dodgy trails and exiting one of the excellent trail tunnels, I tried to avoid some illegal tipping but sadly ran over some glass.


Changing a tyre on a single speed takes a bit longer so I had to head back after the change. Tomorrow I know where to avoid and I'll continue on a path that looks like it goes up and over the A20 towards more open space.

Superb morning - blue skies, the northerly breeze has disappeared - spot on!


Great new 17 mile route from the back gate & about 75% of it was new to me. Had to take my time to keep checking the map - be swifter next time. Averaged a 100ft of ascent per mile.

Looking across the Tyne Valley towards the Cheviots

Section of bridlepath above Prudhoe

Steep climb out of Hyons West wood

View over Stocksfield towards Hexham - the steam from the formica factory just visible on the horizon

Towards Hedley on the Hill

Paddock Wood near Whittonstall

Looking across the Derwent Valley

Spoiling my dinner with Blueberry Pie at Blackhall Mill


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rwm1962":39cf0rw7 said:
Great new 17 mile route from the back gate & about 75% of it was new to me.

Some great views and countryside around there :cool:

Super-wet morning but managed to find a new road route over the downs to Lullingstone which I'll check out further on Friday when it's dry. No pictures but really glad I got out and stretched the legs.
24 miles yesterday up the Ridgeway and round through Swincombe woods on my mongrelly old Univega.


Felt really good, despite the rain!
21 miler to take the lasses ebike battery & charger to the bike shop for assessment. Fortunately it's in a canny spot for a ride. Stopped off at the Big Lamp Brewery for a pint on the way home.

Pond at Bradley Gardens, Crawcrook

Disused railway bridge over the Tyne at Wylam

George Stephenson's birthplace, Wylam

Prince Bishop, The Keelsman, Newburn

Site of the Blaydon Races

Blaydon Burn


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rwm1962":388sqaeh said:
Disused railway bridge over the Tyne at Wylam

Like the bridge, bet its also great for jumping/diving off in summer :cool:


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