Today's Ride


Commute with a twist.
Very long day.
Ended up cycling almost 50 miles in two bouts. As I was rolling up to work, this morning, I was already thinking the ride home might be a bit much.
Home time came around, and walking out into the unconditioned fresh air with a sense that the next couple of hours were going to be a struggle. The heat was intimidating. I made sure I drank a couple of litres of water during work, but still arrived home with an empty bottle and a parched mouth.
Despite how tired I am now, it was worth it.

I remember seeing 33°c on the wall thermometer before leaving the office. It felt like it, as I walked to my bike.

At Roydon, because the tow path was busy, I took the Harcamlow Way again. This time following further than I have before, adding another 5 or so miles on to my journey.

Big skies. A welcome breeze at a couple of points. Got chased by some angry geese. Managed to stay off-road for 80% of the entire journey...


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al-onestare":mimtf7kp said:
Lot's of positive affirmations and a good walk with Cooper last night, plus a good nights rest meant I could peddle without any pain. Walking is a bit wonky but I'll be fine in a couple of days. It was tipping down first thing but had stopped by the time I left which meant a soggy but super-fun ride since the ground is too dry to soak up the rain quickly. The light was spectacular coming through the trees, hitting the ground and creating mist.


Lovely stuff!

Injuries are becoming quite a habit for you :)

Must make an effort and get out for an early morning ride, beautiful time of the day.
Re: Re:

mk one":3uagz6bw said:
al-onestare":3uagz6bw said:
Lot's of positive affirmations and a good walk with Cooper last night, plus a good nights rest meant I could peddle without any pain. Walking is a bit wonky but I'll be fine in a couple of days. It was tipping down first thing but had stopped by the time I left which meant a soggy but super-fun ride since the ground is too dry to soak up the rain quickly. The light was spectacular coming through the trees, hitting the ground and creating mist.


Lovely stuff!

Injuries are becoming quite a habit for you :)

Must make an effort and get out for an early morning ride, beautiful time of the day.

Brambles don't count as injuries ;) It's the first pull I've had during a run since I started running properly (200:cool: so I've had a great run (!) really.
Got 3 PR's on my ride today so wearing over-tight old jerseys definitely helps! :LOL:

The Duchess, who walks the dogs in these woods everyday, had reported the plank over an occasional stream had been nicked which can be a pain after it's been raining. Been there for decades. I found it today - some naughty mountain bikers had taken if for a feature on an unofficial trial.


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Mixed weather. Heavy showers, moving through overcast sky, breaking into sunny intervals. About 17°c, so nice. Strong breeze at times but not unpleasant.

Had a mechanical issue throughout the ride. For some reason, after a proper cleaning, and fitting a new chain, the bloody freehub started slipping under load. How to keep a low torque spin throughout, so couldn't push. Makes you concentrate - like riding with a slipping clutch, it's annoying but you can work around it.

Knocked out about 20 miles. Found a restricted byway I've missed a couple of times.


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Friday's mud has vanished along with the heat, replaced by a fresh breeze and much cooler 12-13 degrees. The trails are quieter too and normal suburban attitudes have returned. On the one hand I was called a ****, again, very first thing as I was pootling towards the woods, but then later on was told "that's a really cool old-skool bike". People are people!

Anyway, perfect conditions for riding. Red-5 was on form :mrgreen:


Very windy today...(insert punchline here)

Cooled down a bit from the last few days. Got out for an hour and a half, but it was spoiled by the fact that I'm a poor mechanic. Spent half an hour chasing a problem around the bike.

Still 12 miles managed and I'll sort the issue in the morning.


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The sun has disappeared :( but the breeze has eased off a bit. Went exploring and didn't anything interesting so headed back into the woods. Downhill sections are few and far between so I waited for a runner to get ahead of me so I could give it some beans. Time for a quick snap.


Really itching to get further afield so I think it's time to get the Esatto operational again.

With the technical issues resolved I can get on with the riding again.

25 miles, late afternoon. About 19°c.
Breezy at times.

Managed to miss the rain. The ground a little softer, very little mud. Followed a long bridleway that, unusually for around here, bisected several fields. Normally we only get footpaths doing that, and the bridleways tend wander around the edges.

Another bridleway, barely used, my legs tingling from nettle, bramble and thistle attacks.

Very quiet. Normal service is resumed.


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Bored today with not much on so went out for a quick ride.

Just took it steady and had a great ride. It was very muggy and quite warm when the sun was out. Lots of wildlife out around the lakes, always nice to see.

Great times...


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