Today's Ride

Very warm again today

Went for a short/long loop, after spending most of yesterday wild swimming with my daughter my body was very drained today. It turned into another great ride and i ended up finding another viewpoint which when i was last there was just pit tip, now left to grow naturally it is a really nice spot.

Great day


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Re: Re:

mk one":1v18gsaf said:
Also looks like the saddle is getting higher :)

Ah, well spotted that man! I have raised it by 1/2" each time I have gone out. The peddling is becoming easier as the saddle gets higher, although it is obviously stretching me out a little more. I feel good today, so as you say, a bit of rest afterwards and all seems well again.


I decided that I should be able to manage a hill climb again, so I set off due South up to the former Greenham Common Air Base.

I am stood on one of the Fuel Tanks, which I would like to think has been environmentally cleansed or hermetically sealed or something. The camera is stood on one of the old rusted fuel outlet valves.

This is looking North across the Kennet Valley, and the hill in the far distance is Cold Ash where I rode to last Wednesday.

Greenham Common 260719 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Warm today with a very warm breeze

Just a quick ride down to the lakes at Hardwiick, met a few birds and sat looking at a ruined building for a bit. Lots of cars parked but no people about really, strange.

Seemed to have a lot of fun, i think it was the shortness of the ride, meant i could play about a bit more.

Good ride


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Nice Koa you got there ..... here’s the XS version

Was 100% original until I had to make it more compact - saved all the parts for when she sprouts upwards


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Warm today.

Just went for a short ride, even though it was sunny a few people told me it was going to rain later today so i quickly mowed the lawn then went out. As per usual the rains came at the furthest point from home, but with the warmness it wasnt really a problem and quite nice once used to it. The only downside is the last mile is on sandy grit which gets everywhere and is really abrasive, so will have to clean my bike now :roll:

Great little ride


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Warm today

Just a quick ride and really had to drag myself out as drained. Feel a bit better for it and actually got a lot further than planned.

Nice ride


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I am obviously super pleased with my progress so far, but I haven’t ridden a Mountain Bike with knobblies for 7 weeks now. Choosing which one proved to be a bit of a dilemma, but I eventually settled for my gorgeous 2003 Kona Kula Primo. I bought the frame new when it came out, and it has gone through a few make-overs through the years, but I absolutely love this bike.

Seen here in its’ current Hyper Bling guise, it certainly catches the eye.

Hambridge to Bowdown 010819 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Up through Bowdown Wood on my way to Greenham Common. Not quite the same glorious scenic views that Wing Commander Mark One adds to this thread, although I am planning a trip to the Malvern Hills soon.

Bowdown 010819 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Bowdown 010819_1 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Across to the Crookham Common end, where there is a lot of hard pack single track.

Crookham 010819 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

This final odd feature is another entry for the Cold War Tour of the former Greenham Common Air Base. This fenced off area was a Sports facility for the USAF Officers when the Cruise Missiles were here. It fell into disuse when the Air Base closed, but at some point the place was transformed into a Secure Hospital – Thornford Park. The running track was resurrected again, and occasionally is used by a local schools and athletics clubs.

Greenham Common USAF Sports by Philip Mock, on Flickr

I had a cracking ride out today, and really felt like I was properly back in the swing of things.

Re: Re:

pipmeister":j8tx57rg said:
I am obviously super pleased with my progress so far, but I haven’t ridden a Mountain Bike with knobblies for 7 weeks now. Choosing which one proved to be a bit of a dilemma, but I eventually settled for my gorgeous 2003 Kona Kula Primo. I bought the frame new when it came out, and it has gone through a few make-overs through the years, but I absolutely love this bike.

Seen here in its’ current Hyper Bling guise, it certainly catches the eye.

Hambridge to Bowdown 010819 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Up through Bowdown Wood on my way to Greenham Common. Not quite the same glorious scenic views that Wing Commander Mark One adds to this thread, although I am planning a trip to the Malvern Hills soon.

Bowdown 010819 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Bowdown 010819_1 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Across to the Crookham Common end, where there is a lot of hard pack single track.

Crookham 010819 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

This final odd feature is another entry for the Cold War Tour of the former Greenham Common Air Base. This fenced off area was a Sports facility for the USAF Officers when the Cruise Missiles were here. It fell into disuse when the Air Base closed, but at some point the place was transformed into a Secure Hospital – Thornford Park. The running track was resurrected again, and occasionally is used by a local schools and athletics clubs.

Greenham Common USAF Sports by Philip Mock, on Flickr

I had a cracking ride out today, and really felt like I was properly back in the swing of things.


Great colours on that frame Pip, i would have to de-sticker the rims though if it were mine :) and how was the ride, on probably one of your most rigid frames :shock: oh, and that seatpost looks back to normal height too.

I think local scenery never looks as good after seeing it for so long, i only appreciate the views around here again after living somewhere else for years. I would love to ride the countryside around where you are, looks far more interesting to me. Will have to come down one day when your feeling better and you will have to show me around :)


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