Today's Ride


I’m pleased to be adding to this thread again.

This is a mere 4 weeks from my Surgery.

I only rode a couple of miles on the road, until I found this smooth path. Any bumps were causing me to raise my arse off the saddle, so a little bit at a time, and I will soon be back in the swing of things.

4 Weeks from Surgey by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Re: Re:

pipmeister":2dnflsqa said:
I’m pleased to be adding to this thread again.

This is a mere 4 weeks from my Surgery.

I only rode a couple of miles on the road, until I found this smooth path. Any bumps were causing me to raise my arse off the saddle, so a little bit at a time, and I will soon be back in the swing of things.

4 Weeks from Surgey by Philip Mock, on Flickr


Good to have you back mate :cool:
With out taking anything away from Pip's epic comeback i too went for a quick short ride today.

The weather was warm and i was stuck in dog sitting so sneaked out for a quick ride, hopefully the dog wont say anything :)

Found a couple of spots i could have sat at for quite a while, especially the pond watching the dragonfly.


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Today I decided that I would have a go at climbing a hill.

It was a bit odd with the saddle so low, but I managed to cycle up to Bucklebury, climbing up a hard pack track. It took the wind out of me somewhat, so I stopped for a picture.

2nd Ride after Reversal Bucklebury by Philip Mock, on Flickr

I then cycled to Cold Ash along a quite road, and stopped for another picture looking across to Hermitage and Marlston. I guess I did about 6.5 miles in total.

2nd Ride after Reversal Cold Ash by Philip Mock, on Flickr

I am still astonished at how well this is all going - couldn’t have hoped for a better recovery.

Very warm today with a nice breeze up on the tops.

Went for a long ride today, about 4hrs. Linked two routes up and also explored a few trails that i had never rode before as i knew they just ended and had to come back. Nice day today though so i made the effort and rode them. Rather dissapointed with one of them as it looked like it would be a nice spot, unfortunatlly it wasnt, but i know now. Sat at one of the many lakes on the route and a fish, about a foot long jumped completely out the water right in front of me :shock: i think it was trying to catch a fly or something. Ended up at Hardwick lakes which is nearly home, i nearlly stayed a lot longer as tiredness was kicking in but a final climb up to the hall and then autopilot from there home, knowing i had put some beers in the fridge helped too :)

Great ride on a really nice day.


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Cool today but nice when the sun came out

Went for a short ride today, up over Silverhill and then over to Brieley park, havent been there since i used to take Ghenghiz, my dog, for walks there. Strange how visiting an old place brings back memories.

At Brieley i was trying to find one of the other 21 'emerging seed' sculptures that are scattered across the country, never did find it but did find a long path through a tunnel of trees, first pic of it is in the first section, second pic is the second half around a corner, a long strange trip as the Dead would say :cool:

Great ride


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No pic's by I spent a pretty wet morning, and even wetter slog home, at Lea Valley on Friday. Before it rained it was dead, so great to session but boy o boy was it dusty and loose. After this weekends rain it should be a little more grippy. The (new) Manomano set-up was interesting... :shock:
Hot today, with a warm breeze to warm you up.

Went on a long loop today. I had spotted paths across fields that looked well established so decided to use them to link a couple of other trails i ride. Usually fields are bumpy and if at all wet the mud around here is super sticky. Luckily the ground was rock hard and dry and as they were well troden only a couple of lhe many many fields were bumpy. It actually was a great off road route and one i will be riding again for sure.

As you were out in the middle of fields most the time it was very hot. The other thing i noticed was how many other, i shouldnt say it but, out of place people i came across in the middle of fields. Either with pushchairs, and one dude type guy with huge earphones and one of those takeaway drinks with a straw :shock: this was in the middle of nowhere.

A great day, trails and ride.


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Re: Re:

pipmeister":3a0jhhld said:
It would appear that I rather over did it last Wednesday with a hill climb, as I felt somewhat out of sorts for a couple of days afterwards :oops: :facepalm: .

With that in mind, I took a more leisurely ride out today down to Thatcham Lakes, which looked lovely on this very warm day :cool: .

Thatcham Lakes 230719 by Philip Mock, on Flickr

Thatcham Lakes 230719_1 by Philip Mock, on Flickr


It does look nice around there Pip, very inviting on a hot day :cool:

Recovery is the most important part of fitness so as long as you got rest and recovered properlly after the bike ride it will probably do you more good than harm.

Also looks like the saddle is getting higher :)


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