Today's Ride

Not today, but a week or so ago. After our appearance in Nottingham and on our way to Scunthorpe, Joe Breeze and I hit the trails of the Sherwood Forest Mountain Bike Park.

Not hilly like it is at home, but you could fly on the singletrack. We got a call for a photo to accompany the Sports Illustrated article, so here it is. You may recognize my jersey.


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Today-Friday- A hot weekend coming up, with about 88 F. on this afternoon's ride, and perhaps hotter tomorrow. A nice climb to the West of town today...


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Today-Saturday-about the same as yesterday, 88 F. and sunny. We elected to do the shortest, but steepest way up to the Open Space District. It got so hot on the climb, we couldn't wait to hit the OG Trail in the deep shade, where we rested...


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rode around laybower in the peaks today, buggered now. it was wet, warm and wonderful :mrgreen:


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Today-Sunday-Hot again, after a short ride I ended up at the Bike Museum here in Fairfax for an event. A bike show, where collectors brought their old bikes, mostly '20's-'50's bikes. Lots of cool old machines with tanks on them. This one old Schwinn had a hand made replica of the original tank on it. I had a chat with the owner, who has an original tank he used for a pattern. Then he made it using sheet metal and an English Wheel and hammers-very cool. Charlie Kelly showed me a copy of a local paper from one of the towns he visited on his trip over to the UK with his pic and an article in it, and Joe Breeze was cruising with his flat cap and a local beer in hand...


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Today-Monday-Hot again, about 89 F. and sunny. A ride up into the Water District on Tam today-Phoenix Lake looked good enough to jump in-But it's for drinking water only and swimming isn't allowed ;) ...


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yesterdays evening ride/race

came 2nd overall and was awarded a bloody trophy!!!!! well chuffed


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longun":3t1bobrj said:
yesterdays evening ride/race

came 2nd overall and was awarded a bloody trophy!!!!! well chuffed

:cool: Congratulations!

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