Today's Ride


Today-Monday-Just got back from a 6 day trip to Lake Tahoe in the Sierra's. 5 rides and a great time! I drove up on Wednesday morning, and got in a ride along the Truckee River that afternoon. At the beach later, some guys came flying up on a Hovercraft that seats 5-6, goes 70 MPH, Uses a WRX motor, and costs $200K. Another ride on Thursday along the West Shore, then the Big Ride of the trip- Tunnel Creek Trail ride along the crest of the Mountains above the East Shore on Friday- It starts on Mt. Rose at 8400' and goes up and down over 9000' until the Big Descent back down to the Lake at 6200'. Sunday I went to my Favorite beach at Tahoe-Whale Rock Beach, named after it's iconic rock. It's a 2 mile descent to the beach, so we rode to it with beach gear on backpacks-the climb back out was tough with a 35 pound backpack, but the great day at the beach was worth it! Today I drove back home to Marin...


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Some more from Whale Rock Beach yesterday...


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Today-Wednesday-Back home in Fairfax, we rode up to the West of town and climbed about 900'-much easier than at 6-9000' at Tahoe! Cool today, about 65 F.- almost feels like an early Fall day...


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Today-Friday- Nice out, about 80 F. with a breeze. I stopped by the Museum downtown at the start of the ride, to ask JB a question. He was giving a guided tour to a group of Italian Mtb. riders whose club name is "Raccoon Riders". Joe was showing them a map on how to get to Tamarancho, and since that's where I was heading, I showed them the way-Fun climb, but I couldn't understand a word they were saying :LOL: ...


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Today-Saturday-We rode up to the Lakes and back, and ended up in my favorite bike-centric pub here in good old Fairfax- the Gestalt House-good food, good beer, and you bring your bike in and hang it on the wall... :cool:


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Today-Monday-A warm 82 F. sunny day-perfect for a ride up to Tamarancho for a little trail ride...


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Today-Wednesday-About 80 F. before 11 AM, going to reach 92 F. later, so up Iron Springs Road to the Scout Camp for a good climb before it gets too hot! The sky has a real summer haze, can hardly see the Bay from up high...


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Today-Friday-Still summer out, about 80 F. and sunny. Up to the West of town into the hills about 1000' up...


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Today-Saturday-We rode up to the West of town-lots of riders out, 75 F.-perfect riding weather...


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