Thinking about importing a bike ? see this

tried it to the US and it is not quite accurate. Leaves out a lot of exemptions, fees are incorrect, and generally is too vague. Rates are also sometimes based on mode of transportation. What comes in as personal baggage on a trip is a lot different than mail for example. Products are also many times are classified based on interpretation from the officer calculating the duty. not so cut and dry as this calculator has you thinking. Something like a bicycle can have numerous duty rates based on frame material, country of origin, size, use (road/mtn), kids or adults, wheel size, etc.....

Your best bet is to call your local customs office and ask. Stop relying on unauthorized internet calculators and forums to get answers. There are a lot of myths & assumptions out there and what happens to some is not necessarily what may happen to you.
also would like to mention that if the sender does not properly declare the full fair market or acquisition value of the goods, customs may not always catch it or have the time or effort to research it and charge the duty. there are literally millions of parcels entering the country every year. so if you assume you don't owe tax on items you received, it may be because of other factors such as these. count yourself lucky.

in the USA anyway, falsely declaring goods is a violation of federal law and the responsiblity in the end lies with the importer.
This reminds me a little of a drag racer ( bikes) I know ; who would take regular "holidays" to the 'States to "exchange" the parts he took over for the tricked-out ones he brought back ... as always in life ; the rewards and the risks are right out there.
I had a friend in the states advertise the bike I was taking to the u.s. on ebay some years ago. Then took it in the airline approved box the whole way for 15 quid. By the time I got to the states it had sold the day before

I then bought an old but very valueable mtb from the states again through a friends ebay account and brought it back with me again for a 15 quid fee.

They did not record the bike make on the way out so in black and white I went out with my bike for a holiday and came back with it. No customs,vat,fees or postage. it even came back in the same airline box that went to the us.
Umm...............anything else u wanna confess (out) to the internet Outing Master? Might wanna edit that last one.