Things I have an irrational/unfounded dislike of...

SPD pedals, can't relax because i know i'm going to be on my arse at any moment, can't and never want to get used to them (sulking), feel hemmed in and claustrophobic. Someone will invent hand/handlebar cleats soon then it really is time to pack it in.

CamelBaks...I used to wear a small rucksack full of essentials like food, camera, waterproofs tools & Tobacco now i carry a bag of sloshing water around with all available pockets crammed full of everything else.

People shouting 'Baldilocks' from passing cars.

People who spend a fortune on bikes then never ride them.

Late night spending sprees on here (and ebay), on stuff you have no idea what to do with when you get it.

Trimbles, sorry but don't see the fascination. Look like posh Alpinestars.