The Unofficial Official Photography Thread...

First one especially like!!!
Is it no-man's land?
Agreed, only included the other to show that it was inhabitable. There's actually a big concrete block that's supposed to act as a barrier, but tide was low so I just walked around canadaus-border.jpg
Creates some interesting situations, as that border runs directly through a neighbourhood
That is an amazing difference between the two cameras on the motorbike. What is stopping the shadows from appearing on the tank and crankcase , in the iphone photo? Can you adjust the pic for them to appear, or is it just simply too much for the camera?

The E1 is going to be ace on summer evenings when the sun is low. Will capture that very special evening light really well, i reckon.
That is an amazing difference between the two cameras on the motorbike. What is stopping the shadows from appearing on the tank and crankcase , in the iphone photo? Can you adjust the pic for them to appear, or is it just simply too much for the camera?

The E1 is going to be ace on summer evenings when the sun is low. Will capture that very special evening light really well, i reckon.
Wondering if you’ve experience with the E1?
I dismissed it for years as a 5 mega pixel relic. Even in 2005 when I got myself a dslr (the Konica Minolta Dynax 7D) I was lookin at mega pixels.
Big difference and to be honest in all my comparisons the iPhone uses HDR and has a lot of shadow detail and in doing so kills any nuance in contrast and makes it look like a phone image!. The iPhone shot was straight from phone. I tweaked it by using the wand and then adjusting contrast and shadow and got this - which is still flat as Kate moss
I could’ve lifted the shadows on the Olympus image as well but the iPhone has far more HDR dynamic range - there must be a way ti turn it off
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I have zero experience of the E1, or many cameras for that matter :) . I am kinda getting into again though having been interested as a teenager because dad and his brother were pretty good at it. Dads brother did a few exhibitions and was quite well known in some circles. In his later years he was doing alot of photos using Holga's. He did get a book out which might have been Holga pics.

On the Iphone 12 i think you can go into {settings} and then into {camera}. Somewhere there there could be an option to turn of {Smart HDR}. Then i think you will be able to switch the HDR on and off at will. I am guessing from memory as i have read up on iphone cameras a bit. I have the basic SE which has a very basic camera and It can be really good and it can also be really bad.

I am keen to upgrade to a decent point and shoot for pics when i am out cycling. Something light and compact and without loads of settings to fiddle with when sweaty, out of puff, and trying to not get a chill, if it is cold. I have looked at a few reviews and there does seem to be a few crowd favourites. I have also been looking at older cameras with way less pixels and, like you have found with the E1, some of the older kit can be really good. Also cheaper, but it is now getting fashionable to use older digital so prices are on the up.

Any suggestions welcome.
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Thanks man
Your uncle seems to be an artist ! I’ve been watching videos by this old guy called Martin Henson on YouTube
He creates art like the sort your uncle must’ve done using a Holga. Have a look!

I managed to find the HDR off under settings camera ! I’ll give That a go

As regards a small compact for cycling you’d want something fast and small - obviously depends on budget. Most people swear by the Sony RX100 series - compact with great image quality and very quick but expensive
Or a Panasonic Lumix TZ100/200
I couldn’t afford one of those so I got an old Casio Exilim ZR800 which I really enjoy. Here’s my review

Either that or an Olympus or Panasonic micro four thirds camera - I have a tiny E-PM1 which has a micro four thirds sensor and you can change lenses. They’re quick and IQ is better than anything else compact though it’s quite old.
I’m selling mine - boxed for £40 - it’ll require a lens though but CEX do the superb tiny Panasonic zoom for about £90. The 12-32 compact lens.
Good thing about this camera is that you can add an electronic VF (Olympus VF2/3/4) and change lenses. Or of course the newer M43 cameras which are all good. Olympus especially have very nice colour.
So many options for a small compact camera which has great IQ and is very quick and very compact. Newer ones such as the Sony are expensive but I think CEX do the older mark III or IV for about £350 +\- and the Lumix TZ100 for about £290 ish.

Depends on budget.

I’ve been enjoying old Digicams and I must say the Olympus E1 has to be the nicest digital camera I’ve ever used including newer much more advanced ones such as Sony A7 and Fuji X series. It just feels right and the AF and speed doesn’t bother me as it suits my type of picture taking
Other examples are the canon power shot G5X or the Olympus / OM System Tough TG-7 - you can drop that and use it in water !