The Time Trial Season is Starting

Very sad to read of the fatality. We had a timeless week last week on the alternate 10 route as an early rider met an unsignposted cattle crossing and went head first innto the side of a cow then bounced off a treetrunk sized fencepost snapping his brand new (to him) carbon frame in 2 and snapping one of his own vertebrae.

However last night we were back on the traditional course which Gareth mentioned before. I took another 45 seconds off my time with another PB of 31:10. Turnout was excellent again with 30 riders testing on the night. I'm really getting into this whole TT thing now :)

Gareth, when you rode, the start/finish was at the layby was it? I've been visiting the TTs for years watching my cousin Shelley but only properly dipping my toe into the water this last year. I've more than likely watched you compete in the past!
Just got back from riding the Ravensthorpe CC 10 - it were flippin' 'ard!! It seemed like a headwind everywhere!

I did 28-07 which is an 8 second improvement on my last time - but that was 2 months ago, done on an 'old skool' bike and wearing a full set of clothing. This was with tri-bars and shorts etc. and I only went 8 seconds faster.

Mind you, the winner, Wayne Randle, 'only' did 21-58 which was 3 minutes slower than his time last weekend and a friend of mine, who did 28-07 himself last week did 32-07 today.

Therefore, I'm quite pleased with my actual performance which, going by the above, on a better course on a better day could be worth around 25 minutes I suppose? I wasn't the slowest by any means which is an improvement in itself!

Next event is a '25' on 2 May up at Dishforth.
Matching socks too!
I was going to ask how you make the picture big, but it looks like it is for sale...
Despite the lack of reports I have ridden a few events but not the '25' mentioned above as we had some family 'doings' which weren't conducive to bike riding. However, I'm back again and rode 2 club '10's' on 2 different courses (both a bit 'lumpy') and on 2 different bikes. Both events I did 28-35 which was a bit disappointing but on Saturday I rode the Yorkshire Cycling Federation 10 near Hull and did 24-37 which is 3-30 faster than my best this year and only a minute slower than my lifetime best.

Given that when I started this I said I would be very happy to get down to a 26 minute time and I've now gone 2 minutes faster, do I quit while I'm ahead or keep on going and possibly get slower again?

I think I'll just 'cherry-pick' events and try not to get to serious!

Photo here -
Nice one! I'd be so happy with under 25 minutes. Courses make so much difference don't they.

My club's 10s are pretty lumpy, I'm not going to write my truly awful times on here.

Did a couple of rolling 25s, best was 1hr 10 min, or was that 11....

Decorating has got somewhat in the way of training! There's always next year. :cry:
someone please explain 'time trial' to a bloke in his 30's who would do 86 miles in about 7 hours with full camping gear?

Old Ned":1lv73l3m said:
legrandefromage":1lv73l3m said:
someone please explain 'time trial' to a bloke in his 30's who would do 86 miles in about 7 hours with full camping gear?


This will (should) explain all, the site for the sports governing body - ... fault.aspx

86 in 7 with full camping gear is very good - perhaps you are an undiscovered talent?

Beer powered and riding a Zaskar, oh and very flat route across the fens, tail wind. Took me 11 hours on the way home :oops: