The showing off thread

My wife is the most beautiful woman I ever saw, and my kids are wonderful and all that, but to be honest I am most proud of my work with the BNP party.

I guess I have punched above my weight in terms of messing them up.

Very proud.

Wow how come everybody hee had girlfriends/wives half their age? Well done to you :D
Mine is only 5 years younger than me but I'm 25 (which is a thing to boast about in itself!) so her being 15 years younger would just be wrong. And she's Asian so beat that ;)
my bruv won £1,200,000 on the lottery and gave me £170,000 :twisted:

so at age 30 i bought my first house outright, paid off all my debt and although i live in a single income house with me wife and daughter, things are alot easier, since my monthly outgoings have came down by over £1,000 a month, so im eternally gratefull to him :D
Isn't this the clue

I guess I have punched above my weight in terms of messing them up.

Or am i missing something :?
Lucky bastard. There is more filler in my teeth than in a Barry Boyz' chavved up Renault Clio.