The Phantom returns...

Black was the most common colour but the silver ones are out there :)
I never knew that.

I might have a look see then. Actually no I better hadn't - must stick to what I actually need...
Love this bike, I actually prefer the colour scheme it currently has.
I see you've been busy modifying and buying new parts, you're well on the slippery slope now! It's addictive.
jimo746":36yhghmz said:
Love this bike, I actually prefer the colour scheme it currently has.
I see you've been busy modifying and buying new parts, you're well on the slippery slope now! It's addictive.
I really prefer what it has now. I far prefer the Roberts graphics too.

Yes well here is a before I discovered Retrobike and after I discovered it.



New tyres, seatpost, stem, bars, cables, rear mech, grips, saddle, bottle cage and bottle. And saddle bag, shoes, helmet and shorts. And top. And gloves. Oh and chain and freewheel. FFS, and new front canti's.

So finding this place has cost me a fair bit but I'm extremely grateful as it's got the old girl back in shape and me back on the bike, so thanks all for the help along the way.

Hey, if it keeps you entertained, means the bike gets used as intended, and you're back into riding bikes then it's got to be a good thing :)
Great ride this morning - the bikes running pretty well at the mo.

I know you’ve all see it before but who else am I gonna show?


Still needs some titanium bars and some silver Dia Comp levers but not much else tbh.
Oh and a selection of new silver bolts and probably a bottom bracket too now I think about it.
And some brake cables.
Afternoon RB peeps. I hope you're all getting out there in the mud when you can.

Now I have raised the issue of a respray before, and went with the populous and left as is, but I'm concerned that I'll reach a point where I might have some more serious issues. There are plenty of little spots over the bike, as you'd expect with the age and use, and I'm fine with that, but there is some more serious corrosion at the BB which is making me think it's best to get the whole thing done to keep it going for another 30 years.

I'd be grateful for some thoughts based on the attached pic and then a pointer re who to send it to if/when I send it off.




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Hmm would be a shame to loose that lovely paint you might be able to get away with using a wire brush bit on a dremmel to cut back to clean metal then get the paint matched at a paint place with a uv scanner etc then touch it in. I did my kona recently with a bit of polishing the paint blended in really well.

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