The Phantom returns...

Paul R":nlrr072n said:
Hmm would be a shame to loose that lovely paint you might be able to get away with using a wire brush bit on a dremmel to cut back to clean metal then get the paint matched at a paint place with a uv scanner etc then touch it in. I did my kona recently with a bit of polishing the paint blended in really well.

Is the issue that I wouldn't be able to get the same finish these days or just to do with keeping it original?
It's been mine from new, and it's never going anywhere, so it's history is mine to make really, and I'm someone whose massively into (unrestored) vintage watches. But of course I haven't had those from new.
Paul R":13urpz6x said:
Hmm would be a shame to loose that lovely paint you might be able to get away with using a wire brush bit on a dremmel to cut back to clean metal then get the paint matched at a paint place with a uv scanner etc then touch it in. I did my kona recently with a bit of polishing the paint blended in really well.

It's only minor paint damage, in the kind of area you'd expect to see that, I think the above advice is spot on. Unless you really feel like need to respray/change colour of the whole bike? Seems a bit excessive, but it's yours to modify to your own style.
Seca Blue":rj2kukeg said:
Paul R":rj2kukeg said:
Hmm would be a shame to loose that lovely paint you might be able to get away with using a wire brush bit on a dremmel to cut back to clean metal then get the paint matched at a paint place with a uv scanner etc then touch it in. I did my kona recently with a bit of polishing the paint blended in really well.

Is the issue that I wouldn't be able to get the same finish these days or just to do with keeping it original?
It's been mine from new, and it's never going anywhere, so it's history is mine to make really, and I'm someone whose massively into (unrestored) vintage watches. But of course I haven't had those from new.

A bit of both just my thoughts really. If you had it resprayed it would be hard to get what it had bang on.
Paul R":14q7emfq said:
Seca Blue":14q7emfq said:
Paul R":14q7emfq said:
Hmm would be a shame to loose that lovely paint you might be able to get away with using a wire brush bit on a dremmel to cut back to clean metal then get the paint matched at a paint place with a uv scanner etc then touch it in. I did my kona recently with a bit of polishing the paint blended in really well.

Is the issue that I wouldn't be able to get the same finish these days or just to do with keeping it original?
It's been mine from new, and it's never going anywhere, so it's history is mine to make really, and I'm someone whose massively into (unrestored) vintage watches. But of course I haven't had those from new.

A bit of both just my thoughts really. If you had it resprayed it would be hard to get what it had bang on.

Yeah got ya. I'm not 100% fussed about it looking the same - in fact I'd loose the purple at the back as I never really liked it, but I don't know if you can get stove enameled in the same way you could 30 years ago and I do want to recreate that finish and tone. What I don't really get is that quite a few Dog's B's turn up resprayed, look fantastic and I don't see anyone wishing it had been left alone. Simple back and white thought generally - maybe that's it.

I think I'll pull the crank off over the weekend and see what I'm really dealing with.


Seca Blue":3pkjqpbo said:
Afternoon RB peeps. I hope you're all getting out there in the mud when you can.

Now I have raised the issue of a respray before, and went with the populous and left as is, but I'm concerned that I'll reach a point where I might have some more serious issues. There are plenty of little spots over the bike, as you'd expect with the age and use, and I'm fine with that, but there is some more serious corrosion at the BB which is making me think it's best to get the whole thing done to keep it going for another 30 years.

I'd be grateful for some thoughts based on the attached pic and then a pointer re who to send it to if/when I send it off.



Argos do a fantastic job should you want to future proof it, and they do enamel if that's any help.

The one in the thread attached was a basket case, but it was saved and stove enamelled, and I have to say, it is standing the test of time very well.

sinnerman":1snt8xx1 said:
Seca Blue":1snt8xx1 said:
Afternoon RB peeps. I hope you're all getting out there in the mud when you can.

Now I have raised the issue of a respray before, and went with the populous and left as is, but I'm concerned that I'll reach a point where I might have some more serious issues. There are plenty of little spots over the bike, as you'd expect with the age and use, and I'm fine with that, but there is some more serious corrosion at the BB which is making me think it's best to get the whole thing done to keep it going for another 30 years.

I'd be grateful for some thoughts based on the attached pic and then a pointer re who to send it to if/when I send it off.



Argos do a fantastic job should you want to future proof it, and they do enamel if that's any help.

The one in the thread attached was a basket case, but it was saved and stove enamelled, and I have to say, it is standing the test of time very well.


Thanks for that - I'll have a look.