The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" thread

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Testing the water

dude to issues out side of my control i may have to sell these pace rc 37s!!

i bought them a while back for a build thats not now taking place




Splatter Paint":2hpno3l4 said:
I see where Fluffy is coming from, I agree that the modification has devalued the frame, but this is kind of offset by the respray. I reckon £75-90 maybe? I bought a scruffy but not too bad original from ebay a month ago for £58 + P&P.


No not devalued the frame at all, just not added value to it.

I believe £50 is a fair price for an old bottom end Kona frame, even in good condition, similar to clockworks, bottom end RM's etc..

I like it and I've loved the build of the bike.
But like I said to me it's the problem of renovating and altering bottom end frames.

I'm am but 3 people actually willing to put a value on it though.

But ebay it and you'll find out.
Hello, I'm new around here!

Anyway I'm looking for some ideas on the value of the following (I'm looking to buy it from someone) -

1995 Zaskar LE ball burnished
great condition
mostly original kit
full XT + Syncros post, decent Mavic, I-Beam stem
rigid forks

Many thanks
mikesnowdon":3ehlqpt8 said:
bottom end Kona frame

More like midrange when you consider how many frames are below it in the Kona line up :wink:

The Lave Dome which uses the exact same frame ?
All other steel frames are higher up in the range ;)
Hence bottom of the range and I gave equivalents.

You asked for a value, I gave you a value, if you don't like it value it yourself and see how it sells ;)

Or post something like I think it's worth £100, could you give me a value greater than that please ?
Very Apt

How very apt this thread is as im in a dilema and the cost of my Bike is somthing id like to know if its Peanuts then I'll keep it and ride it till it dies or if it's worth somthing I can afford a shiny new steed to get me back to the same weight when I orignally used to ride this one.

Here she is, My Alpine Star al-Mega DX 1991.... next Post as this is my first

Replaced the Original Forks with these Manitious from Day 1 as I rember the Project 2's used to snap some what and I was heavy even back then.

My Real dilema is I really still do love her as I've had a lot of good times with her but, sadly, Im looking at a sportive bike nowdays and I'd Love for someobne to put her back to her forma Glory and get that enjoyment

Let me know what you think

It's my 1st post so please be nice :D
Gumley, I clicked and looked in your gallery.
I think the most valuable part is the frame assuming NO cracks in it. But I don't know what they go for.
The forks need new insides as the elastomers are shot and either goo or powder by now.
Hence they are compressed through what looks like pretty much all their travel with no weight on the bike.

Cannot really tell what the rest of it is.

But I think you would probably get the price of the frame or the whole bike being the same. If anyone knew what that was.
(Search ebay and the for sale for Alpinestars Al-Mega's)
I'm sure that fully kitted out, fully working one's do not go for more than £200.
The frame should sell easily enough and the forks to someone wanting either spares and a challenge. But wait for other replies, if you get any :(
thanks fluff,

As you say the Forks really do need some TLC but the Frame is 100% crack free I replaced the Rear Mech hanger in about 93 to the one that still on it and its all DX aprt from the Crankset which I had to swap to this crappy crankset ( it was free and kept me riding ) as id worn out the Crank arm on one side, its been my bike from new and to be fair I havent really given it too much TLC over the last 10 years,

Looking to get back on a bike again and with so much choice out there now id rather this go to some one who can love it and ill pick up a better sportive with the proceeds

thanks for the comments and ill wait and see what gets said


Hi Gumley. Alpinestars seem popular at the moment and yours is from one of the best model years. I'd say £150 to £200 for the full bike in todays market. You'd probably do better if you replaced the crank set with a period DX one :wink:

GT-Steve's the man to ask about Alpinestars. I'd keep it if I were you. :)
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