The one and only "HOW MUCH IS MY xyz WORTH" thread

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The Lave Dome which uses the exact same frame ?
All other steel frames are higher up in the range Wink
Hence bottom of the range and I gave equivalents.

Im not offended at all so no need to be defensive. I just dont agree that a Cinder Cone is 'bottom end' when there are several frames below it in the range. Low end would be the £300 £500 bikes as far as I recall the Cinder Cone sold for around £700/800 making it midrange.
chrome alpinestars rare

hiya everyone iv got a alpinestars which is about 15years old i cant remember the model but thinking of selling but dont know the value? what you lot reckon

I have a Raleigh M-Trax Team Titanium in blue and grey from around 1995/1996. Everything is stock except the seat. Even the tyres are original.

One of the the stx gear sticks has broken as it doesnt select the outer front gear. Looking through this forum it could be worth something to someone as I was thinking of selling it and upgrading or alternatively putting new bits on the old frame.

Let me know what you think the value could be as it would help my decision.
Re: chrome alpinestars rare

bobspeed100":khpeugpb said:
hiya everyone iv got a alpinestars which is about 15years old i cant remember the model but thinking of selling but dont know the value? what you lot reckon


Better photos and a clean up would help it look a lot better but alpinestars dont hold a great deal of value so i'd guess around £100-130
Re: chrome alpinestars rare

bobspeed100":4dgmc9qz said:
hiya everyone iv got a alpinestars which is about 15years old i cant remember the model but thinking of selling but dont know the value? what you lot reckon


I like that frame! Is it nickel plated like the P7? Can I put a disk mount and hose guides on it please? :lol:

Let me know if you split the bike mate :)
Right, I'm never actually going to sell it, but my Ibis Alibi frame, '97, medium blue with 14 years worth of minor scrapes, but nothing too major or structural...

Owned from new - £535 cash and out it came from the importer's car boot in a motorway services near Birmingham!

Any ideas?
Muddy Fox Sorcerer

Muddy Fox Sorcerer - I have had the bike since new and I need to know how much it could be worth please - 'cos I need to sell it
Good condition (seat has a small split) Running on City Slicker tyres, but I still have the original Muddy Fox MTB tyres

I have tried to download photos but they are too big and I don't know how to make them smaller javascript:emoticon('Embarassed')

Any assistance much appreciated
Re: Muddy Fox Sorcerer

DenDen":jqm93u0v said:
Muddy Fox Sorcerer - I have had the bike since new and I need to know how much it could be worth please - 'cos I need to sell it
Good condition (seat has a small split) Running on City Slicker tyres, but I still have the original Muddy Fox MTB tyres

I have tried to download photos but they are too big and I don't know how to make them smaller javascript:emoticon('Embarassed')

Any assistance much appreciated

i use

upload your photos to there then copy and past e the link in your post, using the IMG button before and after your also gives you the option to resize it if needed..

thats how i do it, there maybe an easier way!

sorry for the double post...

i found your pics DenDen,

hope you dont mind i posted them for you..







i use the direct link between
always works that one...

nice bike, love the colour..what ever happened to Muddy Fox??

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