The "I'm not doing so well" thread

The thing is….where do they normally hang out? In the alps we go out after one of those crazy, intense alpine rain bursts and suddenly, on the madly green grass …. GIANT slugs…. And despite Brexit we seem to be getting these big alpine slugs occasionally in the UK…..tourist slugs…we shout at them in French and they are never there the next day, so that works….

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such a successful species.
'Success' is invariably followed by failure, and long success often by rapid failure.
At the risk of repeating an often used analogy: The yeast was a remarkably successful species- until the loaf went in the oven. Even then most of the yeast were still convinced that things had never been better..

Btw my last post was intended as a sort of reply to anyone who'd addressed the one before that. I quoted longun at the top because it seemed apposite. I certainly wasn't intending or anticipating this becoming a thread about slugs- or to monopolise it with my climate anxiety- more unintended consequences eh?