the "i shouldnt of done this" bike - the yellow peril

i would of had to spend atleast £400 in parts alone. never mind the cost of having it towed on a flatbed to college to wait another week for space to become available on the lifts. then i would of been without transport for a week. it wasnt worth spending that much on a car that was only going to be kept until i upgraded anyway.
i wouldnt of still had a car as that period where i was financially screwed because of circumstances beyond my control, i would of had to sell it anyway because the insurance payment wouldnt of been able to be met, the policy would then had to be cancelled and the car SORN`d. then insured again with a hefty insurance deposit upfront. so wanting to stay legal and not put myself under further financial pressure i sold the car to relieve that pressure.
as for school runs, the gf took over doing the school runs as she traded her c2 in and got a vauxhall corsa 5 door and now has the time to do the school run which i dont now that im at college and working nights.
i couldnt help be in that financial situation i was in because i didnt know it was going to happen. it had nothing to do with how much the cars had cost me in the past it was what they were going to cost me in the future. i did the sensible thing, sold up and got a moped to get to and from work which the savings on insurance, petrol etc are being put towards buying myself something newer and paying the insurance upfront instead of monthly.
whats happened has happened and whats been done has been done. at the end of the day, ive learnt many a valuable lesson and im doing what i can to make sure those mistakes arent made again. as for getting something cheap and small. nope. not again. got my eyes on something ALOT better than my focus was. until then my moped will continue to do the job it has been doing and getting me to/from college and work.
Like I said, a valuable experience. Let us know how you get on with something new. Well new to you anyway.
ive started to tear the bike down to see what parts can be saved and put into my parts bin. I thought the rear axle was just bent. I was wrong.
yup. that's one snapped axle. soon as I loosened off the wheel nut it just fell out..


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