ODI Attack Grips (Tomac was just a branding thing).
Looking closely at your front mech. IT definatly should be about a 2mm gap. 46th being the standard ring on M900's and a 48 is not a problem (well other than, iirc, for the rear mech as it's medium cage and you'll get chain slack in small/small... but then again I ran 24 tooth front not the standard 26th.)
ANYWAYS, looks like you are using too long a Bottom Bracket, 107mm should be the correct length, it will being the low profile crank in further and you see the extra milling on the inner of the crank, that so it can go closer to the bottom bracket shells.
107 is the perfect chain line length btw, also bringing you top ring in closer and not causing so much stretch on the upwards pull.
Going through the list now
Sachs/Sedis chains ... next best thing would SRAM ones I guess.
Apart from the pile I have laying outside at the moment
UN-90 (or I think UN-91 in 1993) Bottom bracket are what you would really want 68x107mm