Swallows Return?

I haven't seen any swallows yet, but I know there's 4 housemartins looking at Ma's house again this year ... Summer is definitely on it's way!

P.s. On a bit of a tangent ... Does anyone know which bird of prey is meduim sized with W shaped wings, and a pale stripe across the underneath of its wings? Sorry I haven't got any more info, but I was driving at 60mph along the M4 at the time I saw it!! :LOL: :D
sparrow hawk or kestral perhaps....

saw some bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover the other day....ahem....sorry ...gets coat..
gibbleking":2z5yys3n said:
sparrow hawk or kestral perhaps....

saw some bluebirds over the white cliffs of dover the other day....ahem....sorry ...gets coat..

Shall we all start singing along with Vera Lynn then?! :LOL:

Got a feeling it might have been a Red Kite, I know they're near here but I've never seen one in Port Talbot before! Problem is I didn't have enough time to look at the tail ... that's the defining observation!

Ah well, I'll keep an eye out for the next few days, might see it again I hope!!
Just seen my first House Martin of the year. They arrive late May like clockwork. It is good to see them back again :D
Lollipops":3c3182ah said:
I haven't seen any swallows yet, but I know there's 4 housemartins looking at Ma's house again this year ... Summer is definitely on it's way!

P.s. On a bit of a tangent ... Does anyone know which bird of prey is meduim sized with W shaped wings, and a pale stripe across the underneath of its wings? Sorry I haven't got any more info, but I was driving at 60mph along the M4 at the time I saw it!! :LOL: :D

Whereabouts on the M4? And how medium sized is medium sized?!? There are a few red kites around the m4/m40/a34 junction area that hover around the road, they have very distinctive tail feathers and also how they move their tail - it almost seems to be detached and the feathers don't fan out like a buzzard's they form a chevron pointing towards the body... I'll try and find a silhouette....
I've only seen a couple of swallows this year around my house, last year there were 50+ of them. Don't quite know what happened there.
Saw the first of the season today: a swallow and a house martin. A little earlier this year, which is enough to make me predict a stellar Summer.
doctor-bond":j3wd573b said:
Saw the first of the season today: a swallow and a house martin. A little earlier this year, which is enough to make me predict a stellar Summer.

are they a precursor?
we often have a group of small birds that come out around dawn then bugger off into the woods i guess
dont know what they are

and neighbours cat had a small bird the other day :evil: playing around with it :evil: ran off with it after the first time when i realised what it had as the parents were out there squaking for around an hour and half. second time i got close it ran off again :evil: then later found it dumped at the bottom of my steps, mustve died of shock as it was barely touched from what i could see
very upsetting :cry:

it was kind of browny speckly type (if your close enough, other wise blackish from a distance), yellowish beak i think