So, another year on. Any sightings yet?? Always my official start to spring when I see my first Swallow. Usually around the 17th up here but a week or so late last year.
If they have any sense they will stay at the south of france for a week or 2 yet, our woody's and blackbirds have been lining their nests though, but as the blackbirds steal our cat's food they have no shortage of nutrients.
No Swallows yet, but then everything seems late this year. Trees are only just hinting at leaf and the bluebells are expected to be 3 weeks late.
At least today it is SUNNY and WARM for the first time this year.
The ladybirds that have spent the winter in our house have ventured outside, so the weather must be set fair!
Remember - If the Oak is out before the Ash, then you'll only get a splash, but if the Ash is out before the Oak, then you'll surely get a soak - as my school dinner lady reliably informed me!
I didn't say she was ever right! She also said the the rooks build their nests high in the trees we'll have a fair summer, but if they are low in the bows then it will be unsettled. I'm not sure how rooks are supposed to predict the weather months in advance though!