Stuck seatpost


98+ BoTM Winner

Bought a kona explosif frame with a stuck seatpost as I wanted a challenge. I now need some input.

I started out by using brute force, hammering it with a mallet while channeling my inner neanderthal. Seatpost wasn't budging. I proceeded to use a vice grip and attempted to get any kind of rotation, no luck. I then used the vice grips again, this time hammering on the grips with the intention of getting the seatpost to come out. Nothing. While I was doing this I was using Loctite Freeze and Release, I used an entire can so that was a waste of a tenner. I have been reading on the forum so I figured it's about time I cut this post and attempt using LGF's method with a quill stem and handlebars. I ran out and found a rusty quill stem and I was ready for battle. I cut the seatpost only to realise that it has some wierd pattern inside it (look at picture) so I can't get a quill stem into it. Now my only options seems to be drilling and a hole in the post. Any ideas?

Peace is the last thing on my mind, couldn't have thought of a more annoying symbol to find when attempting to remove a stuck seatpost.

Hate to tell you, but that's a pretty rare seat post you've cut up.

Almost certainly worth more than the frame.
Not sure if hack sawing it is even possible due to the construction, will have to test it tomorrow.

BoyBurning, I'd rather have a useable frame than a scratched up seatpost.

Freeze it out. Please don't set fire to it or use narsty chemicals.


In your case you have the opportunity. I realise you have done this already
But worth another go. Did you have it in a vice upside down, rotate frame
5-10 mins after applying the stuff, locally? I used a car sponge opened
Like a pita bread and tie wrapped locally to tubing, holds the chemical
To affected area.
Already used an entire can of freeze n release, applied through bottom bracket and around seat collar. While applying, I was hammering and attempting to twist it in a vice - no luck.

You could try to mount a quill stem with the handlebar clamp on the seatpost, depending a bit on the seatpost size. Then mount a long tube (2 meter for example) on the quill, put the frame against the wall or on the floor and start moving the tube. Quite the same as using a vice but with more momentum.