Senior Retro Guru
Not much of a build thread for this one as really I have plenty of other frames I should have been building up instead but things just kind of aligned.
This popped up for sale locally. I already have a 1990 Attitude in Team USA/
Dolomite, which to me is the ultimate Klein, but I wanted something I could actually use without worrying about too much. This fitted the bill perfectly as the paint is presentable but far from perfect.
Originally I intended to fit Campag components as I've got most bits and pieces kicking about from a bargain bike I bought a few years back. But then a 1991 Team Stumpjumper came up for super cheap all be it with a stuck seatpost. As I already have a nice 91 Team Stumpjumper I didnt feel too bad about borrowing the XC Pro groupset for the Klein. At some stage I will get the seatpost out and most likely swap the parts back and fit those Campy parts. The only deviation to the parts from the Specialized really is the Cook Bros cranks. I really didn't want this to be tricked out but the Suntour chainrings were too close to the chainstay so for now the CBR's were the best option The other change was the seatpost. Originally I tried a Control Tech but that seemed too loose despite being the correct 27.2 so I nicked this faux carbon one from my Kestrel MXZ but that's a whole separate build I need to sort out. I know the spoke protector is still on the rear wheel.but as its the correct Suntour one it seemed a shame to remove it.
So here are some pics from today's shakedown ride.
I'm actually planning to use this next weekend for one of my gravel rides. Whilst the tyres are cool I'm afraid reliability is going to have to out weigh looks so those will be getting swapped out for something less than 30 odd years old. I will also fit some.SPD's as the flats were just to get it rolling today. Finally I fitted some Control Tech terminator handlebar extensions. The original MC1 is un-cut but I wanted to add a bit of extra width just so I can move my hands about more on longer rides.
A question for the Klein experts. Did I dream it up or is this paint scheme called 'black fire' as opposed to the nicer, in my opinion, 'back fire'.
This popped up for sale locally. I already have a 1990 Attitude in Team USA/
Dolomite, which to me is the ultimate Klein, but I wanted something I could actually use without worrying about too much. This fitted the bill perfectly as the paint is presentable but far from perfect.

Originally I intended to fit Campag components as I've got most bits and pieces kicking about from a bargain bike I bought a few years back. But then a 1991 Team Stumpjumper came up for super cheap all be it with a stuck seatpost. As I already have a nice 91 Team Stumpjumper I didnt feel too bad about borrowing the XC Pro groupset for the Klein. At some stage I will get the seatpost out and most likely swap the parts back and fit those Campy parts. The only deviation to the parts from the Specialized really is the Cook Bros cranks. I really didn't want this to be tricked out but the Suntour chainrings were too close to the chainstay so for now the CBR's were the best option The other change was the seatpost. Originally I tried a Control Tech but that seemed too loose despite being the correct 27.2 so I nicked this faux carbon one from my Kestrel MXZ but that's a whole separate build I need to sort out. I know the spoke protector is still on the rear wheel.but as its the correct Suntour one it seemed a shame to remove it.
So here are some pics from today's shakedown ride.

I'm actually planning to use this next weekend for one of my gravel rides. Whilst the tyres are cool I'm afraid reliability is going to have to out weigh looks so those will be getting swapped out for something less than 30 odd years old. I will also fit some.SPD's as the flats were just to get it rolling today. Finally I fitted some Control Tech terminator handlebar extensions. The original MC1 is un-cut but I wanted to add a bit of extra width just so I can move my hands about more on longer rides.
A question for the Klein experts. Did I dream it up or is this paint scheme called 'black fire' as opposed to the nicer, in my opinion, 'back fire'.