Stuck Seat Post - Slide Hammer Loan Request.

It’s one of things that everyone is a expert in and thinks ‘their’ method is the best so I’ll refrain from any method advice apart from show you how it’s done properly
Thanks. Really interesting video, I'm planning a trip over to Chorley for this reason soon
Got to say, but it is the Interweb, there has been a lot of crap advice here. Yes, no to very little brutality is a good thing here. It's a Pace already machined to a 0.000001mm to it's life to be a race grade bike and not win any longevity records. Even the suggestions of hot vs cold aren't going to help much since the frame and post material are similar material with similar thermal expansion rates.

Vertical straight pull is the best. But still that assumes the bond is lower in resistance to the frame structure. If I had a glued bonded frame with a stuck post I certainly wouldn't entertain that idea with the set-up in the video. The seat-tube could potentially pull out from the BB shell.

IMHO @wynne gave the best way forward. The issue here is the seat-post is very deep in the frame.

The bottom line here is don't stress the frame in any way whatsoever. Design a solution around that.

Picture below done recently. I couldn't have give a stuff about the frame. I wanted the post. Seat cluster and seat-tube was cut away so I could work with it easier. The bond between the steel frame and AL was frankly unbelievable. From about the 80s with no maintenance, rammed about 150mm down. I had the blow torch on it and got impatient and went for brutality. Even after the cut the post still would not shift until I started to peel back the seat-tube and knock it out with a drift and hammer from bottom.

Besides all that very "crap advice here", I am very sure you are the one eyed under all the blind people. Genius! rofl ...
I’ve removed my fair share of seized Seatposts using various methods. Usually on frames I’m not too fussed about but sometimes nicer stuff.

It’s one of things that everyone is a expert in and thinks ‘their’ method is the best so I’ll refrain from any method advice apart from show you how it’s done properly.

Pace frames literally crack from nothing as many know. On FB the other day a guy was showing his newly purchased RC200 off on its first ride up until I pointed out the new crack in the headtube which he had suffered. The Pace owners group is literally full of cracked Pace frames and twisting one whilst the post is in a vice will likely end in tears.

The reason the Seatpost man and others similar are worth the money is they use a system like I’ve linked below. No fancy methods just directly pulling the post out perfectly straight. No twisting or anything which will likely crack a brittle frame.

I did look into having a tool made the same but I’d need to remove a lot of posts to pay for it and decided it wasn’t worth the grief of trying to sell my services as he does.

there is another video currently being shared everywhere.
Same principle of pulling the post, just done a bit differently and looks a bit less confidence inspiring...
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Did any of these methods ever work? The trail has gone cold… if you did would love to know what method worked. But if not then you have good luck from all of us
Hi All

Ok, so I got myself into another fine mess. I have an aluminium frame with a stuck aluminium seat post. It ain't moving. The frame is soaking in Coca Cola for a few weeks and I'm pouring boiling water on the seat tube twice a day. Then I'll be filling the seat tube with Plus Gas and doing the same, another two weeks of soaking and boiling water. I then need a Slide Hammer to try and get the post out before I do 'The Nasty' and get the hack saw out.

Does anyone have a slide hammer I can borrow for a short while?

Thanks in advance.

As a retired engineer I think the easiest way to get the seat post out is to cut a slot in it from top to bottom, it won’t be a 5 minute job, you could use a hacksaw blade with a safe handle made of insulation tape. Once you have split it right down you should be able collapse itin with gland pliers, I have a slide hammer to lend, but I don’t think it will help if it’s corroded-I’m in Manchester 👍
Update for all. The frame is still in the garage with the seat tube full of Plus Gas. I'm leaving it there for another week or so before trying again to free the seat post. I'll use a slide hammer first then resort to the hack saw method which I have used with success in the past on another frame.
I don't think plus gas will work as the corrosion bond will be strong and impenetrable. I have also tried the hacksaw method and found it really difficult to maintain an even cut, even with a modified slimline blade. As your frame is alloy I would not advise this method as strong chance you will cut into the top of the seat lug / frame. I would opt for the pro seatpost removal option.