Stuck/fused pedals. What’s the solution?

this sorted yet?

maybe just rub the pedal down, respray, good as new :D
Sorry this may be naive and you might be beyond this but have you tried the ‘pulling things together’ technique? I was taught this by a wily old mechanic many years ago. And it sounds as if your ‘flats’ on the axel have rounded. But that aside, if the cranks are off the bike its very difficult to get leverage. If they’re still on the bike then do all the plusgas soaking thing, the boiling/cold water and ‘banging with a hammer’ to break any electrolytically-driven corrosion...

But then orient a pedal spanner with the crank so that you can PULL them together with your fists or with a strap wrench. This exerts a whole load more energy than a long lever deployed in another mode. The power in your fingers to haul things together is just astonishing - and it works for reluctant pedals time after time in my workshop.
I have had two days of hell. New sofas.

old sofas were delivered to previous occupant while new windows fitted as doorway too narrow. Behold. CE13635C-A53C-4A36-870C-BF65F0E4BCAE.jpeg