Well, the seat post I wanted has now appeared. It is in very good condition. According to the seller, when he bought it, the decals did not come on, he doesn't know why and he put them on. They are not at the right distance but they are the originals!! So I'm not going to touch them, better a poorly placed original decal than one that "replicates" in its place, or at least that's my way of thinking. Also this way it is more original.
The pedals are about Ounce, mostly because I bought them years ago and never saw where to put them. I love them in black and since the original elastomers were very dirty, taking advantage of the fact that I had the replacement I changed them. From what it seems, the transparent ones are soft, the gray ones medium/soft, the blue ones medium/hard and the black ones hard.
I have placed them blue not for technical reasons but because I think they look pretty with the bike and I love them with the black background
And well, I wanted to finish it when I received a couple of things that I'm missing: the bottle cage (and the bottle cage screws) and a decoration for the handlebar plugs that I ordered from UV DTF, but it's taking a long time to arrive, I don't know why. .
And I haven't realized that in 5 days it's July 11th. I built the bike with this livery as a tribute to the GT decorations on their frames for the USA team, NOT as a tribute to 4/11.
So I present it now