Sir Neil d'Menture
Retro Guru
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Detest his ethics, hate his treatment of staff and political stance, but worse than that, can't stand going into a sports direct, the whole shop just leaves me feeling drained.CRC went downhill when they stopped selling Middleburn chainrings ;-)
If Sportsdirect, sorry Frasers get it, then it'll be a better online wing to Evans and brings in triathlon etc.
I have nothing against him, rescued many a brand name.
I also feel sorry for those who might lose their jobs. And the problems of Wiggle / Chain Reaction / Signa say something significant about the poor state of the bike industry. And the creeping toward oligopoly is unwelcome. But there are a lot of good, often smaller sellers covering all sectors of the cycling market: BikeTart, SJS, Bikeparts / Woolly Hat Shop, Spa Cycles, Cycle Division, Hopkinson Cycles, Wolf Cycles, Bankrupt Bike Parts... Just got to poke around and find the good ones with the good stuff.Oh its amazon or ebay knockoffs now ! Good thing wiggle dont sell any parts for my "ancient" bikes!
maybe they shouldn't have so bloody greedy and bought up all that stock at agreed high prices during lockdown.....just to try to put one final nail in the independent coffin!
You reap what you sow.
But im sad for all those losing their jobs in the near future.
If CRC/Wiggle goes under, it would be awful for those who lose their jobs, but it might help drive custom to a whole bunch of smaller retailers, perhaps even bricks and mortar independent local bike shops. No consolation for those losing their jobs but, considering that so many independent shops have suffered as a result of large internet retailers, I wouldn't be unhappy if they were the major beneficiaries now. Of course, if the custom just went Amazon's way, I'd feel very differently.
I've heard that they have stopped paying suppliers and have cancelled all orders.
Presumably there will be retention of title clauses in their supply agreements. Suppliers will reclaim unsold stock so it won't take long before they have nothing left to sell.
I also feel sorry for those who might lose their jobs. And the problems of Wiggle / Chain Reaction / Signa say something significant about the poor state of the bike industry. And the creeping toward oligopoly is unwelcome. But there are a lot of good, often smaller sellers covering all sectors of the cycling market: BikeTart, SJS, Bikeparts / Woolly Hat Shop, Spa Cycles, Cycle Division, Hopkinson Cycles, Wolf Cycles, Bankrupt Bike Parts... Just got to poke around and find the good ones with the good stuff.
With that much debt? That'd be a first from him.Guess who is thinking about buying Wiggle/CRC?
That's right. Everyone's favourite retailer
Mike Ashley.