State of the industry: a running thread

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quite interesting reading everyone's views on this, over the years my view on wiggle and CRC then wiggleCRC have changed, so here's my 2pence worth.

when i started in the trade in 1997 wiggle and CRC in terms of online were obviously in their infancy, initially i remember the thought was they'll be a flash in the pan, cut to a few years later and what you had in stock in the shop had changed, you actively tried to stock products that they didn't, frankly as companies they were annoying, every other person seemed to walk in with a print out of a screen shot and demanded we price match, quite often it was impossible, best case you would offer a bit of discount and free fitting if it was an actual part, it was never enough for the customer, it made me and likely every other bike shop employee/owner hate them.

this went on for many years, but after a while shops learned to just deal with it, and customers settled in to separate styles, 1 type continued to use shops, 1 type only used the internet and youtube videos etc, then there was the passive aggressive guy, "i want to buy it off my local shop and support you but wiggles price is so low it's hard not to buy it", quite often these were the worst type as they literally whined until you gave in and did whatever price or went out and bought from wiggle then complained that shops were a rip off, we were just trying to make a living, nothing evil or rip off about that, they bought tyres in 1000's, we were buying in 5's or 10's, we were never gonna get near the prices.

cut to when i left the trade, obvs i was capable of fixing my own bike and being in the trade meant i got discount, which obvs i lost when left the trade, i looked on line as many do and found CRC to be the best option, i felt the website was easy to navigate and they had the brands i mostly preferred, wiggle on the other hand i found the website annoying, when you searched for something if it didn't have it it would show you an option as opposed to saying we don't have that which i found immensely annoying, i never even set up and account with them, thought it was rubbish to be honest.

obvs then i started my shop, i actively tried to avoid stuff that they did, not that it was a major issue as obvs i set up as repair based which obvs the internet suppliers aren't really, i wasn't doing clothes etc so i never really found either of them to be an issue. obvs by this time i wasn't getting the price match people in, except for one guy, he was relentlessly passive aggressive, but also demanding, some may know the story of this guy, i've told a few people on here about it in person, he got sat down, handed a cup of tea and i explained to him why i thought he was a see you next tuesday, it worked (for a while), he shook my hand at the end of the conversation, he still comes in, he's still a pain, but not quite as bad.

now i will also point out that one of the former owners of wiggle comes in my shop, i used to work with him in another shop in the late 90's and he's still local. we have had various conversations about his time there, what he thinks of them now etc, i haven't seen him for a while, it'll be interesting to find out what his view on the situation is.

but here's what i think, do i find it sad that wiggleCRC might be at an end? honestly no, not upset that the business is gone/going at all, i feel incredibly sorry for the staff, and if you don't feel sorry about that then you're probably a crappy person yourself. do i think it will help local bikeshops? no, not at all, all the wiggleCRC customers will go to the next online seller of their choice, won't make any difference whatsoever to local bike shops.

why do i think it happened? as i understand it wiggle was sold originally then sold again to Signa, now i think that part of the reason there was so much debt was that i heard that it was bought by Signa for 263 million, not sure if that was pounds, euros of dollars, anyway what i heard then happened was WiggleCRC then borrowed millions to pay back Signa for buying it, so Signa gets the guts of it's 263 million back and Wiggle has a massive loan to repay, also Signa then takes a bunch of the Wiggle profits leaving it short to buy stock and still having a loan to repay. then obvs Covid etc, so yes there was a shortage of stock, now Wiggle bought CRC apparently because CRC had access to buying OE parts from the far east in a way that Wiggle didn't, but obviously that supply stopped during Covid, which meant all of a sudden the main reason why people bought on WiggleCRC wasn't there, no cheap parts available! so people bought stuff wherever they could get it, all of a sudden shops could sell to those mail order customers again, it was a shock to be honest, customers you hadn't seen in ages reappeared, i had a former rep come in the shop, he's a tosser to be honest and he wanted a new drive train, he basically wanted it at trade, i enjoyed telling him no, it was one of 3 12speed cassettes i had in stock, i wasn't gonna give them away when people were desperate for them, i sold everything at listed retail price, i didn't price gouge like i saw some shops doing. so with all that in mind, yes i think WiggleCRC was badly managed during covid, but wasn't helped by Signa, and it's supply chains were cut, add to that the rise of Amazon, Wish, Ebay, Alibaba and Brexit, loads of counterfeit products being sold super cheap as if they were the actual products meant it was gonna go the way of the dinosaurs.

overall i am not surprised by all this, i hope the staff get sorted, i hope that mike ashley doesn't try and buy it, he's a vulturous piece of crap, if he gets it he'll find a way of losing the debt, keeping the assets and binning the staff to the absolute minimum.

anyway, good luck to the staff.
@greencat find a better option, i have a huge amount of spoke stock and masses of bearings

this is a pic from a couple of years ago, this has doubled at least since, headset bearings of pretty much every size, hub bearings in pretty much all the sizes, in 2 to 3 brands with different quality levels/prices, Maxx bearings for pivots etc. to say that shops don't stock this stuff is wrong, good shops stock this stuff, shops who don't have this sort of stuff tend to be the poor option.

I did, but unfortunately, Amazon turned out to be the better option. Last time I needed a spoke, I bought a pack of them from Amazon delivered next day for a tenner. There's only one LBS in the area unless you count Halfords, and I don't.
i wont be sorry to see wiggle and CRC go to the wall. they never have anything i want, when they do its too expensive so i end up buying from either aliexpress or ebay.

all my local bike shops never have a good enough range and the parts they have are always the top of the range expensive stuff so i never go in them anymore.

i know we are all meant to try to support our LBS but in this time of economic crisis and cost of living etc etc the general public are more likely to try the cheapest place to shop for parts.

also now because of covid etc there is a mountain of second hand bikes at low prices on the market you have no need to spend shit loads on a new one.
i know we are all meant to try to support our LBS but in this time of economic crisis and cost of living etc etc the general public are more likely to try the cheapest place to shop for parts.

This is a narrative that needs to stop. My LBS is owned and run by a dour faced ****. When I was last working in an LBS the owner was racist, mysoginistic and homophobic. Nobody owes these people a living.
This is a narrative that needs to stop. My LBS is owned and run by a dour faced ****. When I was last working in an LBS the owner was racist, mysoginistic and homophobic. Nobody owes these people a living.

Your bad experience doesn't make everyone else's. It'd be wise to have that in mind.

...except for one guy, he was relentlessly passive aggressive, but also demanding, some may know the story of this guy, i've told a few people on here about it in person, he got sat down, handed a cup of tea and i explained to him why i thought he was a see you next tuesday, it worked (for a while), he shook my hand at the end of the conversation, he still comes in, he's still a pain, but not quite as bad.

My LBS is superb. A really great guy. I keep him in coffee and biscuits and he keeps me in bits a pieces. Just picked up two gear cables and outers - gratis.
I buy him a pint now and then. We have a super relationship, but he knows I don't take liberties. I've even served a couple of customers for him.
obvs by this time i wasn't getting the price match people in, except for one guy, he was relentlessly passive aggressive, but also demanding, some may know the story of this guy, i've told a few people on here about it in person, he got sat down, handed a cup of tea and i explained to him why i thought he was a see you next tuesday, it worked (for a while), he shook my hand at the end of the conversation, he still comes in, he's still a pain, but not quite as bad.

do i think it will help local bikeshops? no, not at all, all the wiggleCRC customers will go to the next online seller of their choice, won't make any difference whatsoever to local bike shops.
Do tell.😂 What did you tell him? How did you explain it? Rent prices and sales volumes and all that eh?

I always preferred CRC too over wiggle. Can't remember or recall why now.
Haven't ordered that many things from wiggle over the years, just a few.

Seems this has turned into a buying online vs LBS debate.😂

As for me, I've sort of been in both camps. When I was living in Tenerife and operated cycle hire business (which some of you may remember if you ever rented a bike there👋), yes I had a cool LBS. I would go in there and they'd basically give me 25% off (without me even asking). I was that good a customer. I'd also order my own stuff now and then too from abroad. I had no time to install everything myself. They pretty much wouldn't charge me any fitment fees whatsoever. I'd go in there with a frame, and they'd build it up for me.😃

Nowadays however, here in Australia, no I don't visit or support my LBS at all. Why not? Well firstly, as I have said, they don't stock the brands that I have come to know and love. You know, all the ones with 20 or 30 years heritage.🥰😍🤩 Plus, they don't seem to have many you know ACTUAL COMPONENTS available for sale like cranks and whatnot, only 'accessories'.

Yes I know technically I can order stuff in with them and their suppliers, whatever part that might be, but then I still have to visit the place and I never know what the final price will be. Then it would feel awkward to walk out, wouldn't it? But I'm too assertive to stay and get price-gouged. So there's a dilemma. Aside from that, I just don't feel I have the same sense of rapport with them. It might help if they offered tea or coffee.

Also, a lot of it has to do with me buying new old stock parts that are maybe 5 years old. I'm not that interested in today's kit.

I mostly do everything myself now, including building wheels, servicing forks. I have time to do it myself. I prefer doing it myself. Last time they scratched a brand new shock. All they had to do was swap the eyelets an loosen the air can.🤷‍♂️ I got home and realised it was in fact scratched. Now, sometimes I accidentally damage parts myself. It happens. I don't get angry. But if I was them I'd have owned up to it. They didn't.

As for buying online, I make mistakes occasionally. You have to factor all that into the savings tho.😅

Now if I was a normal sane person and had a normal stable job/wage/salary, yes I would absolutely be much more inclined to go to my LBS. Because I could afford it. So a lot of it has to do with living in virtual poverty.

Personally I think there are far faaar worse things to come for the bike industry when China invades Taiwan, far worse.
I tried to start a thread on it, it was censored/banned.🙄
I'll certainly feel sorry for the staff but tbh I have not used them since they changed the website as my old Mac can't handle it. Merlin is probably my go to online.
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