SRAM ESP 9.0SL Jockeys

No problem, they are nice mechs, I would have liked to of used mine but the shifters I had turned out to be 2 front shifters - one indexed with 2 clicks and one with multiple clicks for trimming the front mech.
Choices more limited for 10T JW’s(I found out bc newer bikes run 11T much more choices)
No issues with these
Think Chaser was brand
Lemme see
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This one?
The difference is very subtle on the flick of the outer cage bit.

So an offset 10T is the problem, not surprised as 11T was used a few years later I think, all 10T seem to be straight through.
That's the one. The difference is clearer on the inner cage plate.

Yes, since the top jockey is offset that's the difficulty. The top bushing is worn, but not as bad as the bottom, so I might get away with using it with a jockey wheel with the right diameter bear ID (unless I am missing another obvious solution).
I dunno, it's sunny outside and hard not to go sit in it and open the sheds up to check the bikes are still there.

I'll see if I have any SRAM stuff in the bins too.
Well, these say 2001 onwards, but they were so cheap and have more similarities than most replacement jockeys, so I'll give them a go:

SRAM Jockeys.webp

Or should I leave them unopened as a genuine example of NOS?