So its really muddy, what do you ride?


In England an old steel Kona filled with Finigans, Project11s, Gusset Single Speed kit and hand me downs from my summer bikes. It rode everything except when the V brakes jammed with mud/chalk/grass.

In Spain an On-One Inbred 456 built as a long forked hardtail with 1 x 10. Again it's a spares bin build.

The best advice I ever read was to spend a weeks wages on a winter bike, anything more and it will be too precios to use and any less and you are short changing yourself.
Re: Re:

munkey_bwy":1cb1p4fs said:
I ride the same bike muddy or dry.....the Pace.

Right answer! Although there's not a huge amount of clearance between forks/stays and wheels. Mine used to get bogged down in the Essex mud by the estuaries during the wet, but at least it's light enough to drag to drier areas.

A quick hose down, a clean and then a lube and I'm good to go. My boots, however, never recovered.

You've chosen the wrong sort of mud. It's not the bike, nor the tyres: it's about the mud. I ride the right sort of mud for my bike.

It's taken a few years, and I've had to move house on several occasions -- and try a number of different counties: but I've got the right mud for my bike now.

It's Oomsca: gruelly, pissy mud with a substrate of marl, given a little mettle through the addition of sheep splat and cellulose organics.

As you can see, barely legal tyres, chainstay-mounted roller cam, sorry-ass mudguard, brittle hubs and an unsealed headset, yet I'm just dandy.




Choose your mud.
My 29er kenesis ff29 with geax sagaro tubular tyres copes with mud better than anything else I have ever ridden.

The tyres in this are challange ones tubulars truly awful. The offer no grip in the mud (raced them last winter at Thetford and it was a slippy experience) and they are jot even round.
My old Scott racing pro with its skinny mud tyres is a slow,lumbering dinosaur in comparison and this is a good bike by the state dad's of the nineties.
I ride the same bikes year round, that's what they were designed for :xmas-big-grin:
Used to change tyres but can't be arsed to do that anymore.
Just ride :xmas-cool: