thought i'd give a cancer operation update

Wish it had been an easier path through for you but glad to hear it's done and you're home safe.

T-shirt made me laugh out loud and for a moment I thought you'd got a mohawk!

Best wishes for a full and smooth recovery 👍
Repeating what we said at the Malverns - no rush! Rest-up and take care 😍

Oh my goodness. Jon really sorry to hear this, but glad you're on the road to recovery now. There are some wonderful staff at SGH although it's a hell of a place to stay.
I was hoping for a positive update as I knew you said you’d be going in for the op. Good to hear that you’re home and feeling a bit better as the days go on. Take care of yourself.
Yo Jon! I popped by the Shop yesterday to see what was up :)

Your experience of major abdominal surgery, and indeed Southampton General Hospital mirrors mine exactly. The staff are remarkable, but no one can tell you how debilitated you are for the first few days!! Seriously, take it easy for a few weeks, and I mean real easy. Last time I was back to work after two weeks, for 3 days before I ruptured an internal suture and had to go back off sick for even longer. (I had my large intestine whipped out when I was 17, and have been opened up due to it a few other times).

Glad to see you back on here.
@My_Teenage_Self jesus that sounds mental!

i'm on a full on go slow, it's easier to be in bed positionally, i need a sit up chair really, everything we have is less supportive, obvs designed for relaxed positions so i find sitting up in bed easier. i get up though, pace around the house etc, hoping to be going around the block by the weekend, which would usually be a 5 minute walk, little unsteady right now so i am always putting my hand on a wall or bannister etc. i'm not in pain as such, but it reminds me if i move too quickly etc.

hoping to be in the shop next week, but just to talk to people, my friend olly will be doing everything, i'll just be sat, but if it's too much i'll stop obvs

again, thanks for the comments