so i started a bike shop. update 31/07/24

Re: so i started a bike shop. update 13/08/16

Shops looking great and the work looks nice to work on.
Really glad its all working out for you :)

Re: so i started a bike shop. update 13/08/16

you need a few tables, chairs and a coffee machine Jon.

really pleased it's going so well.

i thought i'd do another little update as i've had a few intresting things in just recently, not to mention the constant changes in the shop.

i moved the stock around in the shop mainly because i was worried about sticky fingered people so everything small is near me at the back of the shop.

i have built another 2 Demon Frameworks bikes, i have pics of one and a couple of the other but i forgot to get pics on the red one :facepalm:

anyway here's the pics. :D

loads of shimano in stock!
IMG_7125 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

no one locally seems to stock Sram components, i do and i sell a fair bit for a small place
IMG_7124 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

personally i like Abus locks
IMG_7122 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

lights are selling well since the clocks changed, Moon and Cygolite seem to popular
IMG_7119 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

i'm pretty obsessed with grips as locally some shops don't seem to bother stocking many
IMG_7118 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

tyres! trying to cover all the bases!
IMG_7117 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

the liquid section!
IMG_7116 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

view from the counter, note the Repack posters, thanks to FairfaxPat fro sending me them and CK for signing them!
IMG_7114 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

view from the front looking at the counter
IMG_7110 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

finally got some helmets in aswel, Met is doing the trick!
IMG_7109 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

this is my reference back to my time in NZ, also a relatively rare boxed Pickwick Bicycle club clay pipe which is still boxed, with the Pickwick, you get it and know about it or you don't.
IMG_7123 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

the shop ride passed the local Ferrari garage
IMG_7099 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

another shop ride down to calshot velodrome, offroad ride to their cafe!
IMG_7002 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

Wow, I wish you were more local to me.

I won't be in your area before Christmas, but I must make the effort to come in and say 'hello' in the New Year.

Great looking shop.

so the Demon pics :D

this was scary, Facing a BB on a 953 reynolds frame built by Demon and painted by Fatcreations, putting tools near that level of work is scary
IMG_6999 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

it was built with Campagnolo Athena, it was lovely.
IMG_6998 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr

the next Demon however was lovely, and my size! Ultegra Di2, chris king headset, BB and hubs on H plus Son rims, this one was painted by TA paintworks in satin black, the lugs etc are nickel plated
IMG_7075 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7074 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7073 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7072 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7070 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7068 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7067 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7066 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7065 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7064 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7063 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7088 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7087 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7086 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7084 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7083 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7082 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7081 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7080 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7079 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
IMG_7078 by Dr. Branom, on Flickr
Re: so i started a bike shop. update 13/08/16

Shop looks really smart, reminds me of shops from years back..
A shop with character..Good luck to you .
Re: so i started a bike shop. update 13/08/16

Good to see some updated pics Jon, hope your well and I look forward to my next visit. Reckon you can get some nice Hobgoblin in that fridge ? ;)