so i started a bike shop. update 31/07/24

hey guys, thanks for the comments, well i have been told it's 3 x 1 inch cuts, obvs i'm expecting it to be uncomfortable and i won't be able to drive for a bit, the plan is to close for a week, sitting at home will drive me mad, i'm thinking of literally just sitting in the shop, essentially supervising, i have a really comfy chair and talking crap about bikes i think might work better for me. obvs, i'm sure t hat might change when i actually get sliced up!
Wishing you all the best for your recovery… I’m sure you’ll smash it.
Always happy to spent an hour chatting about bikes. Just reach out if you ever get so bored a discussion about tyre choice, effective canti set up, best ever Chris King colours or any other random topic seems attractive!
Good luck with the OP. My dad had one of his kidney's removed circa 40 years ago due to cancer. He has the old school comedy scar across him as key hole surgery didn't exist then. He's done incredibly well on just the one and has never had any issues since his OP apart from getting pissed quicker.

Positive attitude is a powerful healer and love your plan of just sitting in a comfy chair in the shop!!! Just see how you go and best of luck with the recovery!!! 💪 💪 💪
Hey John, glad you’ve shared. Can only reiterate what others have said. Put yourself first for a while. Listen to your body. Heal. Regroup.

Sending you best wishes for a simple successful treatment. Been a long time since we all gathered around the intruder.
As others have said, abdominal surgery ain't no joke. I've been opened up a number of times, and it will kick the carp out of you. Please, Jon, don't anticipate doing anything for at least 2 weeks, and nothing major (like walking, or thinking) for another 2 weeks. it will only prolong the problems/cause others.

you know where I am if I can do anything to help.
Practice saying "no" before you need to.

(You can add : "i'm really sorry, ask me again in a month or so")
It's a massively underrated skill, and a lot of people struggle with it, especially if they are under pressure.

We want to help people, we don't want to disappoint, and often the customer has no plan "b"😬