Smart Tart

smartartcycles":9pldle1h said:
i do have the article.....written by....argh cant remember her was an MBi review of the tart. I will dig it out when in the loft next time.......

Nicky Crowther.

My mate James slept with her once. When we were working "the meejah" in London.

Quite an animal apparently.

She had issues with the name, I remember.


Bearing in mind the other womens brand around that time was called Terry.

Which is a blokes name.

good, its friday :D
be good to see/speak to you on wednesday chat ;)
think youll like it lol
smartartcycles":1jppk5eo said:
nicki crowther...thats it....never thought men we her thang..... :LOL:

Yeah, me too. Though she was with Perry Bellesario for ages, but he always looked sad.

Do you think we can just chat on here and nobody would notice.
shedfire":1737ai2w said:

On-One 456 Ti (10/10/10 in WMB)
I don't have the first idea what's going on in this topic, but, this bike is eye-wateringly beautiful.
shedfire":1frsmwya said:
smartartcycles":1frsmwya said:
nicki crowther...thats it....never thought men we her thang..... :LOL:

Yeah, me too. Though she was with Perry Bellesario for ages, but he always looked sad.

Do you think we can just chat on here and nobody would notice.

Your secret's safe with me ;)

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