Small flat. Girlfriend or bike???


Devout Dirtbag
Hi everybody!

I have a dilema. Should I get rid of a bike or a girlfriend?

I live in a small flat in london with my girlfriend, our friend Clem and 4 bikes. It's a two bedroom with a living room and a fairly large hall which we're trying to turn into a mini dining room. We're trying to move things around at the moment to accomodate everything. My girlfriend says that the living room is not an appropriate place to have bikes. She says she can cope with one but doesn't like the idea of a beautiful 1990 Explosif above the fireplace. I've even put pink parts on its pink splattered black frame and offered to put matching girly wallpaper up behind it!

Anybody got any ideas???

Ask Yourself the honest question, which do you enjoy riding the most? :twisted: then there's your answer Dude! Only you know!
i need to see pictures of her and the bike so i have an accurate way of measuring the situation. :LOL:
you like your bikes, you keep your bikes. for your privat live never let anyone force you to make a decision that you could regret later.
Re: Choices

Wold Ranger":1r9du9q3 said:
Ask Yourself the honest question, which do you enjoy riding the most? :twisted: then there's your answer Dude! Only you know!

They're all very good rides! Not sure I believe in monogamy any more!! :twisted:
women always want to come between men and the things they enjoy, and for one simple reason.... a mountain bike doesn't get uglier with age ;)
cce":2ef35iiv said:
women always want to come between men and the things they enjoy, and for one simple reason.... a mountain bike doesn't get uglier with age ;)

move out of london! i have been a few times with work and oh my god i hated it! too crowded and too much traffic! it took me 3 hours to get from manchester to the m1/a1 turn off and then another 2.5 hours to get near harrods then the congestion charge, £29 to park in an ncp car park for a day! i think mr livingston is pulling the wool.......... if you love the town stay if not get out! :x :x