Site Suggestions (and Issues) Thread

So PMs on the forum have security issues too?
PM's are hashed within the database so there's an extra layer of protection but technically you could find a way. The attacks I'm talking about aren't interested in PM's and that sort of sensitive information. They're interested in generating username, pw, email tables to gain access to other things more valuable. XenForo is very safe but what I meant was we can't compare to WhatsApp, they literally have billions of users and absurd money is invested in safety.
not sure if this has been questioned before, but how about we have our own little review forum? reviewing tools and parts and whatnot. doesn't have to be really in depth, just a short description of how you found (insert product name here) and give it a star rating or number out of ten.

would be cool to have a retro review forum in the forums tab
I have repeatedly wanted to react to replies with 🙄 (bearing in mind I usually only hang out at the Inn). I feel that Like, Love, Laugh, Wow, Sad and Angry are limiting in many, many circumstances. Your thoughts please.
Given recent events with hacking, are there any plans to introduce 2FA across more user accounts or is it just something for mods?
I have repeatedly wanted to react to replies with 🙄 (bearing in mind I usually only hang out at the Inn). I feel that Like, Love, Laugh, Wow, Sad and Angry are limiting in many, many circumstances. Your thoughts please.
I find them limiting, you have to get creative; is it funny, or do you love it more than find it sad. There could be more, like these; o_O🤨🤓 for instance.