Single speed, I just don't get it?

It's just a turn of phrase.. nobody (I hope) actually means that fans of ss (and fixies) are keen on the tradesmans entrance...... :shock:

What? who dear? me dear? gay dear? No, dear
I own three Singlespeed bikes and I am Gay.

al. :D
Singlespeed was a bit of a relavation to me for commuting as I ride down a flat canal towpath which gets very muddy in the winter. SS suits this sort of riding perfectly.

Never singlespeeded an MTB or done any proper off-roading on one, not sure I could do without gears
PIGEON":34e9nala said:
A fixed bike is not faster, nor is it more efficient. Might be more reliable, but I've been out on a few rides with predominantly fixed riders and they had more than a few problems, ranging from flat tyres to loose headsets to chains coming off to broken pedal cages. That might have to do with the way these people look after their bikes, but obviously that means fixies do need maintainance too.

I know it's not the bike, it's the rider, but I definitely get around a lot quicker on a fixed bike than a geared bike. You're right, it probably isn't more efficient, that's me talking crap. As for the other stuff, you know those problems can happen on any bike, right? I didn't say a fixed gear bike never needed maintenance, just (again, in my experience) much less maintenance than a geared bike, especially if you're riding it throughout winter.
mountain bikes have gears. end of story. you dont see any of this gay single speed city courier crap in america! do you? if gears werent needed then the pioneers of this sport would of made s/s in the seventies!!!

If there's a post more laden with fail than this, I don't wish to read it ;-)
beagle":17puupsi said:
I know it's not the bike, it's the rider, but I definitely get around a lot quicker on a fixed bike than a geared bike. You're right, it probably isn't more efficient, that's me talking crap. As for the other stuff, you know those problems can happen on any bike, right? I didn't say a fixed gear bike never needed maintenance, just (again, in my experience) much less maintenance than a geared bike, especially if you're riding it throughout winter.

I know, I was the one who said riding a fixed gear bike on the road isn't necessarily a stupid thing to do. They are fun to ride but there's just so few areas in which a fixie is better than a geared bike. Track racing is one of those areas, but everyday errands and commuting aren't imo.
MikeD":2qh462a5 said:
mountain bikes have gears. end of story. you dont see any of this gay single speed city courier crap in america! do you? if gears werent needed then the pioneers of this sport would of made s/s in the seventies!!!

If there's a post more laden with fail than this, I don't wish to read it ;-)

i'm assuming it was tongue in cheek. i hope it was
Suffering from dodgy knees ever since my early twenties, I expected that a few weeks of singlespeeding would see me face the inevitable and give it all up as a bad idea. Surprisingly, I haven't had knee pain and have now done almost 100% singlespeed off-roading for 18 months.

I do stand out of the saddle a lot to climb, rigid forks make this worthwhile rather than a boingy waste of energy.

As it's gentle non-technical terrain round here in the New Forest it's ideal. If I lived in the Peak District it would be pointless. Even 20 miles away on the Wiltshire Downs it might well be horrible.
FMJ":22mejubm said:
al":22mejubm said:
I own three Singlespeed bikes and I am Gay.

al. :D

Does owning one make me curious?

If that's you in your avatar, would you mind staying in the closet?

al. :D