Show us your marins!

A little sneak peak! :-) At the end of last year, I was lucky enough to finally get a 1993/1994 MARIN "Titanium FRS" And with that, my personal Marin journey will end :) I think I had them all. I still own 2x 1994 "Team FRS", several "Team Issues", 1x 1992 "Team Titanium", 2 or 3 1993 "Pine FRS" and so on. This, I guess is the pinnacle :)

I will soon start an own build thread for it. It was built 1993, equipped with the 1994 design and Manitou Three front & back - but I will convert it back to Manitou 2 front & back.

Just a one pic sneak peak ... :) More will come, soon!

Marin Titanium FRS of Falko Schlötel Germany.webp