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Epic photos as always Jamie, the beaches up there look fantastic.

I was down to the beach myself this morning, in Aberdeen, not quite as spectacular, and Positively hoachin by comparison.
Even some of the trails by the river Don were still impassable due to fallen trees.


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Hi Jimo
That looks some nice riding country to me and also loving the Stumpjumper. Still have my old frame in the loft, sold my others. I had a 2008 brand new, very similar to this, M4 Fox forks, loved it.
Happy New Year as well and a great way to start things off.
I got out this afternoon on the Jack Taylor as I had a few things to get done earlier but was determined that I had to start the New Year with a ride. Headed into town and then took a few back lanes across a couple of farm roads as the light was going. I had to double back a bit to a corner shop as the battery on my rear light died. I sat at the junction thinking, right to town then back out or left and make a dash for it. Turned right and got a battery as it just wasn't worth it as it was getting well dark despite the camera before this making it look lighter than it was. Great ride though some of the lanes were well wet. :)


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Out and about this after noon on the Jack Taylor once again.
Thought I better head out as despite a relaxing day with the family, I seen the first forecast for days and it says wintery showers for us tomorrow followed by Tuesday 70mph winds and up to 6 inches of snow! I realise in reality that means it will be breezy and a maybe a few snow flakes if lucky. Still, thought I better get out and get some miles in as I determined to start the year right. The Jack Taylor was ready to go so I just headed the other direction from yesterday and thought see where I end up around the coast, thought I have a couple of hours at most before total darkness as I had to start with lights on. It was late but the rain clouds were already closing in. I found a few new off road tracks that joined some of my other routes up, so as Brian has taught me just ride them and see where they lead. Most were quite good, some sandy and some just semi wet mud but all good fun. Some were more accessible due to it being a bit drier I think, also that the usual winter die back of the heavy foliage has occurred, the lack of rain, snow, ice etc seems to have opened a few up.
Anyway all good fun.
hope everyone else had a nice day of it and is having a good start to the year whether riding or not.


Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Untitled by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Thanks Jamie, it was a nice day, cold but I'll take that over the weather on the Festive Frolics ride on Monday.
Your pics and story are always a good wee read.
Maybe I'll try writing a a wee story like you do next time, a description always adds to the pics. I forget that others don't always know where and what they are looking at in pics.
Thanks Jamie, it was a nice day, cold but I'll take that over the weather on the Festive Frolics ride on Monday.

Too right, Tuesday and Wednesday were gorgeous. Today as well though, albeit with some challenging conditions under tyre. Headed up to Perth with the intention of session the bike park, but it shut on Wednesday for maintenance. Headed off up some new to me paths and did a bit of exploring. Found a couple of hilltop monuments and a few nice new tracks. One of my favourite new tracks of last year was unfortunately a bit worse for wear but others were running great.

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