Today I went for a walk in the woods, carrying my bike, at least that's what it felt like.... Local woods are still trashed from the storms, I had hoped as they're so close to town they might have been cleared, but no.
Plenty of dog walkers out and about though, they've forged long winding tracks through the woods around the obstructions but they're just not rideable... Yet.
In the end I got fed up of dragging my bike over fallen trees, getting brush and branches caught on pedals, in wheels etc etc.
Lost my sh*t!! with the trees, and called it a day

(I see by the tree graffiti someone else was of the same opinion! Or maybe it's a dogging spot, who knows?).
I don't know if some of the "off-piste" mtb trails will be usable again, I can't see the council/forestry clearing them, and short of carrying a chainsaw into the woods I can't see them being cleared.
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