And well said. You're right though, im looking at the bits but forgetting those important things like the mudguards, which for Scottish weather are a must, and the prefitted rack rather than the topeak add on, which requires fitting and costs 80 quid, the lights which themselves are expensive, so I suppose adding those together its near 300 quid that I would have to shell out over and above.
And fettling is fun and a part of what I enjoy so maybe a year along Ill have money to maybe upgrade the fork or such, and my own brakes im sure will eventually find their way on. Its just we're all use to seeing the big names associated with mtb, and im sure the others are acceptable as they are fit for prurpose, or they wouldnt have specced them.
I'll thjink again, and probably now chose the scott, and place the deosit to ensure the XL he's got coming in becomes mine.
I think just the extra freedom it will give will more than make up for the long wait for the focus(Maybe late summer) plus the extra saved on the rack etc.
Meltdown is partly due to a paypal login problem, where I couldnt log in due to some new regulations and it was looking last night that i would have to close ebay/paypal accounts. Thats happily sorted, but it was weighing very heavily over the last 2 days, especially as its the source of income for the spares. trying to sell it all without those services put much in jeopardy, and along with the current health issues has left me feeling vulnerable and in need of something to hold on to. I thought it was th efocus, but I can see now that the scott is just as good.