Lovely looking Lava Dome Mr P! If you need cables for the Suntour Shifters then I found that universal tandem gear ones fitted and worked just fine, the end is a bit smaller but they work the same, beats trying to find NOS unobtainium Suntour ones
Page 2 of my Proflex 750 build thread... ... p;start=10
Today I changed a rather tired looking chainring on my modern-ish Cove Stiffee.
The other day I replaced the chain (long overdue
) but when I was out for a ride the drive train was making a right racket, I decided it was the chainring not wanting to release the chain, but as it seemed there was no risk of dropping the chain I continued merrily on my way.
I'd half hoped that the chain would stretch to fit the old chainring, but no.
I was just about to get on ebay and order a new chainring when guess what? I remembered I had a silver one "in stock" already! This probably means I have too much bike related sh*t, but it's times like this that it comes in handy
So new chainring fitted, no waiting for a replacement to arrive in the post, and I can go for a ride on the bike tomorrow :mrgreen:
Lovely looking Lava Dome Mr P! If you need cables for the Suntour Shifters then I found that universal tandem gear ones fitted and worked just fine, the end is a bit smaller but they work the same, beats trying to find NOS unobtainium Suntour ones

Page 2 of my Proflex 750 build thread... ... p;start=10
Today I changed a rather tired looking chainring on my modern-ish Cove Stiffee.
The other day I replaced the chain (long overdue

I'd half hoped that the chain would stretch to fit the old chainring, but no.
I was just about to get on ebay and order a new chainring when guess what? I remembered I had a silver one "in stock" already! This probably means I have too much bike related sh*t, but it's times like this that it comes in handy

So new chainring fitted, no waiting for a replacement to arrive in the post, and I can go for a ride on the bike tomorrow :mrgreen: