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Beutifull shots there Jamie, weather was fair down here in Yorkshire, but me and the man cub choose to spend it in the workshop...... :D


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Made the most of the nice day up here on Sunday. With Heather needing some time to study and Caleb and I thinking we would head out for a ride on the Big Dummy and see where we ended up a plan was hatched and after a quick lunch we were rolling. Quite cold which meant being well wrapped up but the sun was out which is a blessing at this time of year. It was quite windy in certain spots or directions but we had a loop picked out which allowed for afternoon tea on the way. With Caleb being on his bike most of the time now on shorter rides it was good to be together on the Dummy just cruising, chatting etc, hard work as he's not getting any lighter but nice all the same.
We explored some of the back roads as well as some gravel tracks with a hot chocolate and brownie stop out at John O'Groats. Play time on the sculptures as usual before slowly meandering home. We did have to move near the end as soon as the sun started dipping it got even colder.
A nice ride out and hope everyone else had a decent weekend.


DSCN5417 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5425 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5429 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5437 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5452 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5457 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Great times..... is there a tandom on the horizon?
Ha, I see Jamie's StrathPuffer training is going well.

Tell Caleb I'm buying him a cattle prod for Xmas. That should help the interval training... :)
Thanks Peachy and, I think, Brian :)
A tandem is on the horizon at some point and while we both would like an old school lugged machine, for what we would really use it for, touring and longer day rides I think a more up to date 26'' wheel machine might be more practical. Next year maybe. :)

Re: Re:

clubby":24bjyrpu said:
Definitely time he’s pulling his own weight. He’s nearly as tall as you now :)

:shock: i wasn’t gonna go there....but he’s got a point :oops:


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Ohh I see, it's pick on the little guy hey! :LOL:

Well today I had to go into work after lunch to read a test I set up yesterday, I don't work Saturday as we aren't even open but I said I would go and sort it rather than wait until next Tuesday for a result. It was such a lovely day, sun out, cool crisp air and a stiff breeze from the south west which mad it a push to town but a slightly easier return.
I had to be there for around 2 so decided to head out on the Jack Taylor, do my usual commute with a photo stop at Dunnett on the way and then take a few small detours and photos on the way home. I couldn't muck around too long as I had to be back for 4.30 at the latest as we had dinner booked at a café in town for 5.30 and then go to the fireworks and bonfire in town.
It was a really nice commute, I don't know whether it's because I was really just having a ride as I didn't have to be there at a specific time or because I hadn't ridden to work on the Jack Taylor, either way it didn't feel like I was going to work. I was only there about 25minutes and then I was back on the road, back through town and across the river and then back out tohome through castletown and Dunnett stopping afor a couple of photos here and there. Got home just on 4pm as it was just starting to get dark so timing was great for once.
The Jack Taylor rode brilliantly as usual but I think as I am going to leave it in it's patina rather than repaint I will limit it's winter riding and will start fitting it with the components that will stay on it and are better suited to it. Brian and I have a ride in a couple of weeks so I will swap out the bar, stem and brake levers to those I have waiting and try them then.
So not a bad run to work and certainly a nice way to do the 48klm commute.
I hope everyone else had some of the good weather as well.

DSCN5465 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Thurso river
DSCN5466 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5471 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN5476 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Sun going down. The opposite end of the beach from the first photo
DSCN5481 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Certainly a beautiful part of the world you live in Jamie & the whiskey just about makes up for the cold!

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