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Not logged in for a while. Kona Koa on Stord, south of Bergen in Norway with Mrsthefish. Pishin' doon for six days. Just like home. Had a comedy over the handlebars moment, but found chanterelles, picked blaeberries and caught mackerels. Aquavit time.


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Lookin very good indeed ;)
But to be fair, that could be anywhere in Lochaber lately :) Look at that rain :)
Sounds like a great trip, and rain just would have made it feel normal.


My wife once suggested going to Norway in the summer for our holidays. My answer was "Why would I want to go somewhere that gets more rain in the summer than here?" I was half joking but when I checked I was actually right, Norway gets more rain in summer than we do. :roll:

Anyway it's been mostly dry here for the last couple of weeks which kinda proves the above correct. :mrgreen:

Chanterelles, blaeberries and mackerel, bit of salt and pepper, daud o' butter, wrap in foil and under the grill for a few minutes. Braw.

Feck, Ah'm hungry noo. :facepalm:
Yesterdays ride saw Brian heading up my way for a gravel type ride out to Altnabreac once again and then out towards Forsinard further to the west.
We were just out exploring/recceing a route to the west for a gravel grind type ride later in the year.
Brian arrived at mine before lunch and so the 1X1's were checked and loaded into the car before we had a pre ride lunch, introducing Brian to French toast, bacon and maple syrup. This and a ride on a 1X1 could only ever be brilliant ;)
We had a very mixed bag of weather with the main constant being the headwind belting in from the west, though we did manage a bit of a tailwind on the run back, though by this stage we were both mumbling about the wind abating slightly, it was still a noticeable push in certain sections. We had sun and rain, some of the blowing through lightish misty stuff through to big fat drops that turn to heavy downpour for a few minutes before blowing on and letting the sun through.
The run to the west of Altnabreac station was similar dirt road to the miles leading to the station in that it was not too rough and only a few water damaged sections. I know further on you can stay on the dirt roads and head north west, but we were looking for the small tracks heading directly west for about 8 miles or so before coming back onto the north south road to Forsinard. Had a usual drink/snickers stop at the station/shed before putting in a few miles more to the west and then heading back. We had a couple of decent though thankfully brief showers on the way back and I think we headed back at the right time as the sky grew darker and darker with the patches of sun and blue sky eventually disappearing altogether. With a very wet drive back to mine.
A good afternoons riding and thanks to Brian for coming all this way. As usual the 1X1's were great :)
Hope everyone else had a good weekend and got a ride in.


Loch More
DSCN2746 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

Loch More
DSCN2749 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2751 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2750 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2756 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2762 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2766 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr

DSCN2769 by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr